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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 26

  • Local food activists strategize, plan for a commercial kitchen

    Last fall about 50 people toured the High Street garden of Al Schlueter, shown above gesturing during the tour. A second tour of Schlueter’s garden, along with those of Macy Reynolds and the Antioch Farm, takes place this Sunday, Aug. 14, beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the parking lot behind the Wellness Center. (Submitted photo)

    A growing interest among villagers around local food has led to an ambitious effort to make the village a regional food hub, with an initial step of creating a commercial kitchen as the first component of a community economic incubator.

  • College brings architect to talk about Antioch College Village

    Architect Jason McLennan will speak this Saturday, Aug. 13, at the South Gym of Antioch College at 7 p.m.

  • Choosing a college and a town

    Lori Collins-Hall and Chris Burgher are shown here with their dog, Snickers, in the backyard of their Gardendale Drive home. The two moved to Yellow Springs two years ago from upstate New York after Collins-Hall was offered the job of vice president of academic affairs at Antioch College, where she is now provost. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    When Lori Collins-Hall and Chris Burgher first visited Yellow Springs two years ago, they were checking out the village as a place to live.

  • Antioch University considers building sale

    As part of cost-cutting efforts, Antioch University leaders are looking into the best ways to make use of AU’s physical facilities on their five regional campuses.

  • Council OKs CBE land timeline

    Village Council hopes to move ahead soon with extending infrastructure to the property formerly intended for the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, in order to make the land more attractive for development.

  • Trip to Walmart ends in tragedy

    From left, Yellow Springs residents John and Maria Booth and Liz Porter were among the participants in Black Lives Matter protests at the Beavercreek Walmart in December 2014, following the police shooting death of John Crawford III in August. (News Archive photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Second article in this series: A detailed look at the events around the Crawford shooting.

  • A powerful silence

    Among those attending the village's Black Lives Matter silent vigil were, from left, Terry Graham, Dhyana Graham and Douglas Klappich, all of Yellow Springs. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    More than 150 villagers lined Xenia Avenue for an hour beginning at noon last Sunday in silent protest against recent shootings of blacks.

  • CBE land to return to Village

    The 35-acre parcel of land at the center of the controversial Center for Business and Education, or CBE, will soon be returned to the Village, according to a representative from Community Resources.

  • Shakespeare returns to Antioch College Friday and Saturday

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents “Much Ado About Nothing” this weekend and next outdoors on the Antioch College campus.

  • Full circle: Celebrating Omar Robinson’s ‘Circle of Love’

    Those who attended the celebration of Omar Robinson's 'Circle of Love' reunion included, from left, Alton Brisbane of Annapolis, Md.; Glenda Brisbane of Los Angeles; and Larry Brown of Cary, N.C. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 100 current and former residents of Omar Circle gathered last Sunday at the Mills Park Hotel banquet room to honor, remember and celebrate the neighborhood in which many grew up and some still live.

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