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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 59

  • Economic development since 2000— Ideas abound, actions lag behind

    Around 1998 local attorney Craig Matthews was representing a Dayton company that worked with that city to boost the economy in depressed neighborhoods. Around the same time, he found, in an old box in his office above Star Bank, a copy of Arthur Morgan’s book, Industries for Small Communities, with Morgan’s philosophy that vibrant small towns need diverse, vibrant businesses.

  • 2014 capital project budget— Village Council sets priorities

    In a year of deficit spending, what capital projects are essential? At their April 7 meeting Village Council members considered that question, prioritizing capital needs for the Village. Council will vote on legislation for the 2014 capital budget at its April 21 meeting.

  • Longtime track coach resigns

    Vince Peters, the Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School cross country and girls track coach for more than 30 years, resigned unexpectedly at the end of March.

  • In 80s, incubator boosted businesses in Yellow Springs

    One of Village government’s first attempts at revving up the economy involved hiring villagers Vicki Morgan and Phyllis Schmidt in 1986 as Yellow Springs Associates, in an attempt to improve the image of Yellow Springs to surrounding communities.

  • Coming home, but not for the jobs

    The high point of the Yellow Springs economy, like that of much of the rest of the nation, seems to have been during the post-World War II boom years of the 1950s and 60s. The town’s four small industries — Morris Bean, Vernay, YSI and Antioch Bookplate — employed hundreds of workers each, Antioch College was going strong, and small research firms — the Fels Lab and Kettering Research Institute, among others — fed off the college’s intellectual vitality.

  • Water rate hike approved by Council

    At their March 3 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved a 15 percent rate hike for Village water fees, to be effective April 1. Villagers will feel the hike as an additional $4.20 monthly charge, or $50.40 per year, for an average use of 6,000 gallons.

  • Manager search elicits robust response

    The Village has received a robust response in its search for a new Village manager, according to Council member Brian Housh, who, with Council member Gerry Simms, is overseeing the effort. According to the consulting firm Management Partners, which is conducting the search, 59 applicants responded by the March 7 deadline.

  • Village Council sets goals for 2014

    Hiring a new Village manager, completing a water sourcing analysis and physically updating Council chambers head the list of 2014 Village Council strategic goals, according to a prioritized list reviewed by Council members at their Feb. 18 meeting.

  • Ethics group says no conflict for Wintrow

    The Ohio Board of Ethics determined last week that Council President Karen Wintrow does not have a conflict of interest regarding the Center for Business and Education, and is free to discuss and vote on CBE-related issues.

  • SIDEBAR: Focus on mental health in the community

    This spring, the Human Relations Commission, or HRC, will launch a series of programs aimed at educating villagers on mental health issues and finding better ways to help those in the community who deal with these concerns.

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