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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 58

  • Antioch University Midwest to screen classic political films

    Jon Saari doesn’t need to rent the movies he’s showing in a seminar on modern political film — he already owns most of them.

  • Council considers safety at Ellis Pond

    Council members considered whether Village government should spend substantial funds to build two new bridges at Ellis Pond, in light of a serious accident that occurred at the pond last year.

  • Sidebar: Village manager forum set

    Villagers will have the opportunity to meet with finalists for the Village manager position at a public forum on Thursday, May 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bryan Center gym.

  • Yes to seniors, Neuhardt, liquor

    Services for seniors and margaritas in the village: these are the initial results of Tuesday’s election primary.

  • Council picks manager finalists

    Village Council on Monday, May 5, announced the three finalists for the position of Village manager.

  • May 6, 2014 primary election: Issue 3 supports village seniors

    Issue 3, the senior services levy on the May 6 ballot, will, if passed, provide funding to help about 30 older villagers stay in their own homes by ensuring regular meals, homemaker services and visits.

  • Fence gets a coat of many colors

    Holly Underwood of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, who organized the Fence Gallery at the Barr property, is shown with two participating artists, Scott Stolsenberg and Bettina Solas. The project, which was the brain child of property owner Jim Hammond, will be up until the fall. (photos by Lauren Heaton)

    The response to the downtown “fence gallery” has been so positive that organizers are trying to figure out how local artists can do a similar project every year.

  • Springfield no longer water option

    In an unexpected move, Village Council members at their April 21 meeting took sourcing water from Springfield off the table, so that rehabbing the Village water plant or building a new Village plant remain Council’s only choices for how best to source local water.

  • Antioch School performs “Jungle Book”

    This weekend the Antioch School will perform “The Jungle Book,” its annual spring musical, at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, at the Clifton Opera House.

  • Village Council side bar— Less green space funds

    At their April 7 meeting, Village Council members voted 3–2 to add $25,000 for green space to the 2014 capital project budget. Karen Wintrow, Lori Askeland and Brian Housh voted for the funding, and Marianne MacQueen and Gerry Simms voted against. Council will vote on the capital fund legislation at its April 21 meeting.

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