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Articles by Matt Minde :: Page 31

  • John Spariosu memorial

    An open house memorial celebration will be held in honor of John Spariosu on Saturday, March 12.

  • Marcella Binegar

    Marcella Binegar, formerly of London, died Saturday, Feb. 26, at Friends Care Center. She was 103.

  • March 3, 2011 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Junior swimmers Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone ended a season of winning swims and personal bests at the Division II Ohio High School Swimming Championships in Canton last Friday.

  • Mary E. Burris

    Mary E. Burris died Saturday, Feb. 19. She was 80

  • The skunks are out!

    The weather has let up. You let the dog out. A few moments later you hear a scuffle, a tell-tale yelp.

  • MLK Jr. day in Yellow Springs

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers the 1965 commencement address at Antioch College. Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be celebrated on Monday, Jan. 18. (Photo courtesy of Antiochiana/Antioch College Archives)

    In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday this Monday, Jan. 17, village offices, schools and the News will be closed.

  • Dec. 10 Bulldog Sports Roundup

    The high school girls basketball team lost its home opener to Bishop Ready by a final score of 46–27 on Thursday, Dec. 2.

  • Betcher memorial set

    Betcher memorial setA memorial service for Frank Betcher will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 2 p.m. in Rockford Chapel.

  • Betcher memorial set

    A memorial service for Frank Betcher will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 2 p.m. in Rockford Chapel.

  • 2011 Bulldog Sports Schedule

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