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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 95

  • YSHS fall play picks up the pieces

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School has been full of drama with an unscripted denouement. Plagued by chronic absences and a slew of actors dropping out, three weeks into rehearsals for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the production was scrapped.

  • Canvassers blow in from the West

    A group of Northern California Democrats left 80-degree weather to brave the cold, November winds of Ohio in hopes of pushing the swing state further left this election. On Monday the four Californians, members of the West Yolo Democratic Club, warmed up at the Emporium before heading out to canvas for Yellow Springs congressional candidate Sharen Neuhardt in Fairborn in 40-degree blistery cold. But they seemed to be more focused on the winds of political change.

  • Miller smashes record in epic run

    In her last race as a Bulldog, Yellow Springs High School senior cross-country runner Lois Miller set out to finish with a personal best, but ended up making history. At the state finals on Saturday, Nov. 3, Miller demolished her career 5k record of 19:33 and the YSHS female cross-country record of 19:21 on her […]

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Miller finishes 21st at states

    YSHS star runner ran her last, and her fastest race, as a Bulldog at the state tournament on Saturday.

  • YSHS theatrical review showcases acting talent

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School, a theatrical review featuring scenes from The Crucible, Peter Pan and more, opens on Friday, Nov. 2.

  • Nov. 1, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Boys soccer loses district finals An incredible post-season run for the Yellow Springs High School boys soccer team ended last Thursday at the hands of archrival Springfield Catholic Central. The fighting Irish scored within 30 seconds of the opening whistle, breaking the Bulldogs’ spirit and beginning an insurmountable 4–0 deficit from which YSHS couldn’t come […]

  • Schools justify new levy

    Local voters will decide on Nov. 6 whether to approve a property tax increase for the Yellow Springs School District.

  • Elders recall a more diverse era

    A panel of native Yellow Springers will discuss the significant role African Americans have played in the making of Yellow Springs and other issues at a free forum on Monday, Oct. 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Antioch University Midwest. From left are panelists Betty Ford, Sharon Perry, David Perry, Kingsley Perry Jr., and Isabel Newman. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The complicated history of race relations in town and the significant role African Americans have played in the making of Yellow Springs will be addressed at a forum on Monday, Oct. 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Antioch University Midwest.

  • Miller advances to state

    For YSHS runner Lois Miller, the only thing sweeter than qualifying for the state cross-country race for the second time in her high school career was having her team behind her. In fact, en route to a fifth-place regional run on Saturday, that extra encouragement may have made all the difference. “Mentally it definitely helped […]

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Miller qualifies for states as team competes at regionals

    For the second time in her high school career, senior cross country runner Lois Miller will toe the line at the state finals in her sport.

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