Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 80
Michele (Van Eaton) Bauer
Michele Joan (Van Eaton) Bauer, 70, of Satellite Beach, Florida, and Dayton, Ohio, passed away on April 4, 2023, 10 years to the day that her next oldest sister passed and following an 18-year-long battle with leukemia.
Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge to host open house
The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge will host a public open house Saturday, April 22, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.; the Lodge is located at 242 Xenia Ave.
Bulldog Sports Round-Up | April 21, 2023
“Violet Babb is throwing hard this year. While she has struggled with her control thus far, when she throws strikes, she is unhittable,” Coach Jimmy Delong said. Babb has nine strikeouts in six innings this season and has only allowed four hits.
YSYOA recital set for Sunday
A recital featuring scholarship students and performers affiliated with the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, will be presented Sunday, April 16, 3 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Julia Reichert
A memorial service for award-winning filmmaker Julia Reichert, who died Dec. 1, will take place Saturday, May 6, at 4 p.m., under a large tent to be erected in the “horseshoe” in front of Antioch’s Main building.
Jackie Davenport
A graveside service for Jackie Davenport, who died March 11 at age 77, will be 2 p.m. Saturday, April 15, at Glen Forest Cemetery.
Donald Deardorff
A memorial service for Donald Deardorff, who died March 29, at age 91, will be Saturday, April 15, at 11 a.m., at Yellow Springs United Methodist Church.
Daniel L. Pelzl
Daniel L. Pelzl died April 6, 2023, at Hospice of Dayton. A full obituary will appear in an upcoming edition of the News.
David Earl Johnson
David Earl Johnson, of Yellow Springs, passed away April 6. His kind and humorous spirit will be greatly missed by those who knew him.
Winnie Ruth (Jensen) Church
Winnie Ruth (Jensen) Church passed away on March 24, 2023, at home in Menlo Park, California.
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