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Articles About small business :: Page 3

  • New owners at the Springs Motel

    The Springs Motel, Yellow Springs’ own little funky roadside respite has some new owners. Moving in from just three miles down Route 68 is the Knickerbocker family, proprietors of local business Knickerbocker Pools & Spas.

  • Clothes opening

    On Saturday, Feb. 12, Garmint Boutique held its soft opening as Yellow Springs’ only vintage clothing store.

  • Local restaurants persist amid COVID-19

    As the pandemic winds into its third year, downtown Yellow Springs businesses continue to adapt. The News recently spoke with the owners of five restaurants about the ongoing effects and obstacles of the pandemic, and will check in with other village businesses in future issues.

  • Son takes the helm at Tom’s Market

    After 57 years of working in Yellow Springs’ downtown grocery, proprietor Tom Gray is retiring, and taking over the store is his youngest son, Jeff Gray.

  • Downtown Yellow Springs businesses shift and grow

    As the seasons change, so do some of the village’s favorite businesses: this fall found many local stores shaking up their way of doing things, with some moving, others expanding and still others altering their business models.

  • Village hardware store changes hands

    This year, Yellow Springs Hardware will change hands for only the fourth time in its 94-year history.

  • Corner Cone finds new owner

    Villager Matt Kirk has purchased the Corner Cone Dairy Bar and Grill, with plans to reopen the longtime ice cream stand next month.

  • More businesses, institutions talk reopening

    After more than a year of temporarily shuttered buildings, virtual-only programming and uncertain futures due to the pandemic, villagers may see a few more “open” signs downtown over the coming weeks — although some doors will remain closed for the time being.

  • New small business incubator— Coactive YS offer room to grow

    The newly opened Coactive Yellow Springs, a collaborative working space, is the first small business incubator of its kind in the village.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Business

    2020 ushered in countless difficulties for the many small businesses that populate Yellow Springs. Restaurants endured challenges of meeting public health standards amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and shops had to cope with a decline in sales.

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