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Music Section :: Page 8

  • Festival celebrates music, kindness

    Sharon Lane, an organizer of this weekend’s Fancy Fest music festival just outside of Yellow Springs, played a blues number in the Emporium this week. Lane, a singer-songwriter, is also one of the event’s featured performers. (Photo by Tracy Perkins-Schmittler)

    A two-day, low-key, family-friendly, good-vibing music festival, Fancy Fest is taking place this weekend in a private wooded area just outside of Yellow Springs on Jacoby Road.

  • World in the house

    The World House Choir, pictured at its Sept. 8 performance of "Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream," will welcome new singers on Dec. 3. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Saturday, Sept. 8, the World House Choir gave the second of four performances of the oratorio, ‘Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream.’

  • Unsung civil rights activist remembered

    In an effort to bring civil rights activist Bayard Rustin’s story out of the shadows of history, a series of events, including multiple performances of an oratorio about the activist’s life, will be presented in early September.

  • Old, new friends return to CMYS

    The Akropolis Reed Quintet, “old friends” from CMYS in years past, will open the season on Sept. 23. (Photo by Gary Norman)

    Chamber Music in Yellow Springs has announced its 35th season, bringing a variety of ensembles — “Old Friends, New Friends” — to audiences in the Miami Valley.

  • Follow the music from porch to porch

    Brittany Baum, left, and Rachel Price, shown here on Baum’s backyard deck, are co-organizers of the first Yellow Springs Porchfest, to take place Saturday, Oct. 6, from noon to 7 p.m. At the event, local musicians will play for free on villagers’ porches, decks and yards. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers coming together to hear local musicians. Neighbors greeting those they know and welcoming those they haven’t met before. People enjoying a beautiful autumn day outdoors, walking the neighborhoods of the village.

  • PorchFest coming to village; musicians, porches needed

    YS PorchFest is coming to the village this fall.

    Yellow Springs PorchFest, a day of music celebrating community and local musicians, is being planned for Saturday, Oct. 6.

  • Outside voices: 2018’s Springsfest

    The fourth annual SpringsFest will be held Saturday, July 6. Pictured is Jack Dolan of indie-rock outfit Twin Peaks, of Chicago, Ill., at last year's SpringsFest. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    The weather couldn’t have been more perfect on Saturday, July 7, for this year’s Springsfest, which featured 11 bands over 11 hours.

  • Yellow Springs’ own Woodstock returns

    Legendary Dayton indie rock band Guided by Voices will headline this year’s Springsfest. Front, from left: Bobby Bare, Jr. Rear: Kevin March, Robert Pollard, Doug Gillard and Mark Shue. (Submitted photo)

    For the third year, Yellow Springs is going to celebrate its own version of Woodstock or Lollapalooza with Springsfest, a 12-hour music festival.

  • Love and a feel-good jam band

    The Gin-Soaked Angels played a moving album release show at Peach’s Grill on Saturday, June 9. From left is Ryan Stinson, Tony Powers, Jacob Riley, Micah Mapes (on drums) and David Rivera. (Photo by Tracy Perkins-Schmittler)

    On Saturday, June 9, a local band and its cohort gathered in a circle, each with one arm around another and a cup in each one of their other hands at Peach’s Grill, toasting the show before it began.

  • All in a day: June 9th’s Street Fair and Music on Main

    The rain held off until early evening, and a sunny June Saturday lured thousands to Yellow Springs for the semi-annual street fair, Some of whom later attended the first Music on Main.

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