
Arts Section :: Page 126

  • Kid flicks, red carpet at Little Art

    Lora Boarman, Laura Carlson, Elaine Chappelle, Chasilee Crawford and Stacey Wirrig have a refreshing — and infectious — approach to the typical departmental meeting. For starters, their weekly meetings take place at the Emporium or Yellow Springs Arts Council Art Space.

  • Local access cable station at risk

    Tune in to Yellow Springs’ public access television station and you might find a Village Council meeting, a Community Band performance or a local resident singing in the shower, viewed from the neck up, thanking the television audience for their patronage. (“Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.”) At the same […]

  • Arts, community bring family to YS

    A longtime resident of Indianapolis, artist Sarah Strong was looking for a different sort of place to raise her children. Specifically, she wanted a safe town with a strong sense of community and an appreciation for the arts. After searching for two years, Strong believes she found a home in Yellow Springs.

  • Film feast: Little Art, eateries unite

    “We’re in a highly competitive industry that’s changing,” said Little Art Theatre owner Jenny Cowperthwaite in a recent interview. “Fewer people are seeing movies in theaters. It’s not just independent theaters like the Little Art that are experiencing declining attendance. It’s industry-wide.”

  • Family finds harmony in village

    Ask any musician. One of the hardest challenges they face is finding a suitable job that pays a livable wage. David and Caryn Diamond were well aware of this fact when they first met as undergrads in the trumpet studio at the University of Kentucky School of Music.

  • Creativity rules in one-act plays

    A police investigation’s slow-motion footage reveals muggers stealing something not usually kept in your pocket. A quaint church meeting worships a surprising deity. The “unluckiest girl in the world” is finally recognized as an unsung hero. An odd old man offers “Good Jerky” (recommending restraint in consumption) to an un-content boy who wishes to be different. “Kitten Kove,” an alliterative and improvised reality show audition, has something to do with outerspace and promises a different performance each showing.

    The 18th annual production of Yellow Springs High School student-written one-act plays includes all of the above and more, representing the social commentary one might expect from a group of bright and energetic teens contemplating the world around them.

  • Center for arts strides ahead

    The many hands involved in the effort to build a Yellow Springs Center for the Arts have been busy lately and are preparing to roll out a string of announcements about their plans to dust off and shine up the arts efforts in the village.

  • Traveling tales in the ‘Box’

    Children aren’t the only ones who appreciate a well-told story. Bedtime stories, love stories, scary stories told around a campfire, folk and fish and fairy tales have, since human life began, entertained and educated young and old alike.

  • Plucky harpists learn some string theory at Antioch School

    The children sat on a rug in a semicircle around the visiting harpist in the art/science room at The Antioch School, each hugging her or his own child-sized harp, their faces pressed close to the strings.

  • Web site profiles life in village by and for young families

    “When the Village Council convenes in the small space at the Bryan Center, most Yellow Springs families are busy fixing dinner, attending after-school functions and extracurricular activities, and bathing and putting their youth to bed.”

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