
Yellow Springs News Blogs Section :: Page 61

  • BLOG-Breakfast with My Babies

    Children learn what they live. The Yellow Springs Montessori School offers a lesson in healthy breakfast.

  • AUDIO: A Groundhog Day song

    On Feb. 1 a group of community singers gathered to learn Beverly Logan’s original 1978 work, “O Great Groundhog Day.”

  • BLOG-Seeking shelter and shared wisdom

    Learn the old ways of the root cellar and enter your best winter root recipe in the upcoming Sustainable Living Workshop at the Yellow Spring United Methodist Church on February 11. I’ll be there to test your recipes, and the winner receives a gift certificate from New Liberty Farms.

  • BLOG-Waste not. Want not. Worry not.

    Is there a better expression of frugality than a good compost heap?

  • BLOG – Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

    Basically, nobody understands anybody, not really. We’re all thrown together and expected to figure out what’s going on in somebody else’s head, just by the words that they employ. It isn’t until you really need to understand or be understood that you realize that words are paltry tools.

  • BLOG-The Beet Generation

    Slicing into a ripe beet is like chancing on a brilliant sunset. Here is nature on wonderful display, and my camera tries to capture its glory.

  • BLOG-Chef to the Homesick Traveler

    Potpie from the Home Sick Chef

    When traveling, do make a habit of asking the natives where to eat. Sometimes, however, your best advice comes from an expatriate.

  • BLOG – Christmas! Now with Sound Blaster!

    I can never apologize to my parents for all the household items I destroyed over the years. More importantly, I can’t really say how sorry I am for all the sassy looks, and even sassier words, with which I have presented them. And which, if I’m honest, I continue to present.

  • BLOG-Two potlucks in two days


    Gravy is at once practical and sublime. Preparing gravy cleans the pan and distills the luxurious essence of food. Eating local foods is much the same. Gather produce close to hand, and you will reap incredible flavor and nutrients.

  • BLOG: The real synth of Unpainted Huffhines

    To Gabe Stratton, electronica is more than samples, turntables and iPod set lists. See his live electronic composing after the jump.

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