
From The Print Section :: Page 241

  • Candidates address opioid crisis and growth

    The opioid epidemic has hit Greene County hard, and the elected county commissioners aren’t doing enough to support those affected by addiction, according to two candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination for county commissioner in the May 8 primary.

  • Shawn Edward Smith

    Shawn Edward Smith

    Shawn Edward Smith, 43, passed away suddenly in his Honeoye, N.Y., residence on April 27, 2018.

  • Sam Bachtell

    Sam Bachtell

    Sam Bachtell, a longtime Yellow Springs resident, died on April 23.

  • Rose and Sal Company Mercantile — More than an antique store

    The Rose and Sal Company Mercantile is now open for business at 136 Dayton St. in Yellow Springs at the former location of Atomic Fox.

  • Therese Evelyn Marie Thomas Greene

    Therese Evelyn Marie Thomas Greene

    Therese Evelyn Marie Thomas Greene, 88, of Yellow Springs, passed away Friday, April 27, 2018.

  • How safe are village schools?

    In recent weeks, the focus of those promoting the YSHS/McKinney facilities levy seems to some villagers to have shifted to safety, as epitomized by the flier and recent letters to the editor in this paper.

  • Ohio redistricting reform on ballot

    n the battleground state of Ohio, if about half of all votes are cast for Democrat candidates and half for Republicans, then why are three-quarters of its congressional representatives Republican? Gerrymandering, say experts.

  • Student protest: ‘No more fear’

    Local students gathered downtown for a rally last Friday, April 20, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of a school shooting at Columbine High School. Pictured are, from left, Mason Lindsey, JJ Bledsoe, Ellery Bledsoe and Mark Bricker (at rear). Students walked out of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School and marched downtown to express their support for stricter gun control measures and to urge the government to do more to improve school safety. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The April 20 YSHS student walkout was scheduled to coincide with the 19th anniversary of a mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. According to a Reuters report, an estimated 2,600 schools participated in last Friday’s walkout. 

  • Deborah J. Fugett

    Deborah J. Fugett

    Deborah J. Fugett, age 62, was a resident of Yellow Springs when she passed from the earth on April 20, 2018.  She died peacefully at home from complications of an illness.

  • JSTF seeks more engagement — Few show at police outreach

    While villagers have voiced their preference for a police department that engages with the community, the community itself has only rarely participated when asked to meet individual officers.

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