Government Section :: Page 28
2021 Election: Hollister and Pallotta contend for Miami Township Trustee seats
Four Miami Township residents are looking for votes to fill two Township seats in the upcoming November election. Here, the News featured profiles of two of the four candidates, Don Hollister and Dino Pallotta.
2021 Election: Swinger and Moir contend for Miami Township Trustee seats
Four Miami Township residents are looking for votes to fill two Township seats in the upcoming November election. Here, the News featured profiles of two of the three nonincumbent candidates, Denise Swinger and Marilan Moir.
Council discusses CRB, Mills Lawn greenspace
In its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 20, Village Council members considered whether to move forward with discussions about the formation of a citizen review board.
Village Council censures Council member Laura Curliss
At its regular meeting Oct. 4, held via Zoom, Village Council members passed a resolution to censure Council member Laura Curliss for “violation of Council rules and procedures.”
Village Council bans income source discrimination for renters
After the Sept. 20 regular Village Council meeting, local landlords can no longer refuse to rent to tenants based solely on the tenants’ source of income.
2021 Local Election: Curliss, Housh, Stokes vie for Council
The News spotlighted the three incumbents, Council President Brian Housh and Council members Kevin Stokes and Laura Curliss.
Village Council establishes strategy for chief search
Village Manager Josué Salmerón updated Council members with a timeline and process for hiring a new chief for the YSPD. Carlson, who submitted his resignation last month, agreed to stay for 90 days to help with the transition.
Dave Chappelle seeks four more Wirrig shows
A request concerning locally based comedian Dave Chappelle was among several zoning-related matters discussed during the most recent meeting of the Miami Township Trustees on Wednesday, Sept. 8.
Process, ethics clarified in joint Council and Planning Commission meeting
In recent months, a number of conditional use applications for construction projects around the village have either been approved by the Village’s Planning Commission, or are in the pipeline for approval
2021 Local Election: Osterholm and Brown vie for Council
Seven villagers are looking for votes to fill three contested Council seats in the upcoming November election. Here the News spotlights the other two nonincumbents: Scott Osterholm, who ran for Council in 1993, and first-time candidate Carmen Brown, known locally as Carmen Lee.
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