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Health & Wellness Section :: Page 18

  • Ohio cases rise to 1,653; mask sterilization process approval near: Highlights from the governor’s March 29 briefing

    President Donald Trump has assured Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine that by the end of the day FDA would approve a new process, developed in Ohio, to sterilize used surgical masks, DeWine reported at a short press briefing on Sunday, March 29. Read reports from press briefings on March 27, 28 and 29.

  • Coronavirus updates and resources for Yellow Springs (updated March 28)

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Latest updates: Ohio cases rise to 1,406; hospitals prepare to triple capacity; statewide peak could reach 10,000 new cases daily; how to vote in extended 2020 absentee-only election

  • Children’s Center closes

    The Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center administration has decided to close the local day care center temporarily, rather than continue operation as a designated “pandemic child care” facility.

  • Businesses adapt, ‘tough it out’

    As part of Gov. Mike DeWine’s March 22 order that Ohioans must stay home, all businesses deemed nonessential were instructed to shut their doors.

  • Feeding the village amid crisis

    In the wake of business closures across the state to stem the spread of COVID-19, many in the village and township have lost their incomes. And, as in many other communities, hunger here is rising.

  • Schools adjust to closure

    DeWine announced a three-week shutdown Thursday afternoon, March 12, with the closure to begin at the end of the school day Monday, March 16, and students set to return to class Monday, April 6.

  • Local leaders detail responses

    Village leaders struck a tone of concern and hopefulness in the face of the coronavirus outbreak as they updated the community on their responses to the crisis at a “virtual town hall” on Monday, March 16.

  • COVID-19 medical basics

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    First emerging in China in December, coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, has now spread worldwide.

  • Daily briefings from governor

    It’s already become a ritual: each day at 2 p.m., give or take, Gov. Mike DeWine holds a live-streamed press briefing at the statehouse in Columbus, updating Ohioans on the status of the spread of COVID-19 and the state’s response.

  • Coronavirus fears reach village

    Villagers are stocking up and staying home as the impact of the global COVID-19 outbreak starts to be felt here, even without a confirmed local case of the disease.

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