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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 31

  • File implicates gas industry

    Last week a Miami Township resident found a binder on her property containing what appeared to be a field guide for agents looking to lease private property for the purpose of oil and gas production.

  • State representatives call for investigation of gas industry sales tactics

    A press release sent Tuesday from State Representative Teresa Fedor asks the Ohio attorney general to investigate potential evidence implicating the oil and gas production industry in the use of deceptive tactics to get land owners to lease their properties for drilling.

  • Forests for local food

    Mark Shepard told a crowd of 120 villagers to transform our farm fields into forests for more local food.

  • Celebrate Earth Day

    Earth Day 2011 will be celebrated in Yellow Springs with several events this week.

  • Gardens, gardeners sprouting

    At the Bill Duncan Park neighborhood garden, Penny Adamson (left) and Emily Seibel prepared their garden bed, which last year produced five kinds of tomatoes, prolific green beans and other vegetables and flowers. Villagers can still sign up for a plot at one of four neighborhood gardens. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    What began as a modest effort to start a community garden has mushroomed to four neighborhood gardens scattered around town — with more soon to sprout.

  • Garden with your neighbors

    Villagers can sign up to garden at one of four neighborhood garden plots around town — Bill Duncan Park, the Glass Farm, Fair Acres and Friends Care — where last year more than 50 families tilled and tended beds together.

  • Free youth programs at Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast

    Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast activites

    Glen Helen naturalists are offering free youth programs throughout the 36th Annual Pancake Breakfast.

  • Cemex fined, to cut emissions

    Cemex, Inc. agreed to pay a $1.4 million fine for Clean Air Act violations at its cement plant off of Dayton-Yellow Springs Road in Fairborn.

  • Tree-trimming policy eyed

    At the Feb. 7 Village Council meeting, a citizen urged the Village to reconsider its tree-trimming policy in the wake of the recent ice storm that knocked out power for 80 percent of village homes.

  • Villagers rally on ‘fracking’ concern

    At a public meeting on oil and gas drilling, Vickie Hennessy of Green Environmental Coalition explained to Maureen Dawn how to educate her neighbors on the dangers of hydraulic fracking. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local residents are gearing up to educate themselves and the community about the potential hazards of oil and gas drilling.

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