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Village Life Section :: Page 136

  • Fundraiser to support local midwives-to-be

    A fundraiser spelling bee will take place this Sunday, Jan. 10, from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the Emporium.

  • Land trusts applaud Ohio Congressional vote on tax incentive

    Ohio Congress recently voted in favor of extending tax incentives on conservation easements, and Ohio land trusts, including Tecumseh Land Trust, have rallied in support of this decision. (Photo from

    Ohio’s top land trusts, including Yellow Springs-based Tecumseh Land Trust, are applauding Congress’s vote to make permanent a federal tax incentive for those who preserve land with a conservation easement.

  • Happy New Year, Yellow Springs!

    The ball rose, the ball dropped, a new year made its debut at midnight. Villagers turned out — and decked out — for the annual New Year’s Eve celebration downtown.

  • Wrap up the holiday season in Yellow Springs

    The annual ball drop will return to downtown on Thursday, Dec. 31. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    The holiday season is wrapping up — but there’s still fun to be had in Yellow Springs as the village gets ready to welcome in 2016.

  • Fellowship and cake at Tom’s Market

    Some villagers had last-minute shopping to do; others came simply for the cake. Either way, Christmas morning at Tom’s Market was busy, festive and delicious.

  • Merry Christmas from the News staff

    Alyssa and Aaliyah (who wasn't to sure about the man next to her) Worley got their picture taken with Santa last Saturday at the Annual Pancake Breakfast at the United Methodist Church. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    It’s Christmas Day!

  • Annual Kwanzaa celebration slated

    The village’s annual Kwanzaa celebration will be held on Sunday, Dec. 27, 4–7 p.m., at the Bryan Center.

  • McKinnney kids raise funds with “selfies with elfies”

    McKinney School kids are raising funds for an upcoming school trip to Washington, D.C.

  • Holiday Fest in the village

    Holiday Fest offers family holiday events and shopping downtown on Saturday, Dec. 12.

  • Disability conference in Yellow Springs

    “Valuing Diversity: Reframing Disability,” a conference on diversity and disability, will take place this Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 9 and 10, at Antioch University Midwest.

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