Village Life Section :: Page 134
MLK Jr. Day celebration to focus on ‘The Color of Unity’
The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day program will be held on Monday, Jan. 18, 11 a.m., at Central Chapel A.M.E. Church, preceded by a march through town, which departs from Mills Lawn at 10:30 a.m.
Yellow Springs Year in Review: higher education
Year in Review: Higher Education in 2015
Yellow Springs Year in Review: Village Life
Year in Review: Village Life in 2015
Yellow Springs Year in Review: births and deaths in 2015
Year in Review: Births and deaths in 2015
Yellow Springs Year in Review: Letter writers of 2015
Year in Review: Letter writers of 2015
Yellow Springs Year in Review: Village council
Year in Review: Village council in 2015
Yellow Springs Year in Review: Village Schools
Year in Review: Village Schools in 2015
Fundraiser to support local midwives-to-be
A fundraiser spelling bee will take place this Sunday, Jan. 10, from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the Emporium.
Land trusts applaud Ohio Congressional vote on tax incentive
Ohio’s top land trusts, including Yellow Springs-based Tecumseh Land Trust, are applauding Congress’s vote to make permanent a federal tax incentive for those who preserve land with a conservation easement.
Happy New Year, Yellow Springs!
The ball rose, the ball dropped, a new year made its debut at midnight. Villagers turned out — and decked out — for the annual New Year’s Eve celebration downtown.
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