Village Life Section :: Page 171
Local residents buy Barr property
Last week two local residents purchased the Barr property located on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Limestone Street.
Villagers to protest garden removal
After two months of attempted negotiation with Greene Metropolitan Housing Authority, the residents of Lawson Place are scheduled to lose their gardens on Monday, Oct. 1. To protest the removal of these gardens, a group of villagers is planning a rally and march on Sunday, Sept. 9
Photo contest deadline soon; but be safe!
The deadline for the Tecumseh Land Trust Sunflower Photo Competition is Sept. 14. However, those slowing down to look at the sunflowers in the field just north of Yellow Springs should do so with care, as two recent accidents have been linked to sunflower-gawkers.
West Nile issue: to spray or not?
Last Thursday about 6:30 a.m, as many villagers still slept, a Greene County Combined Health District truck rolled slowly through a neighborhood in southern Yellow Springs spraying a fine mist of insecticides.
Book mobile has kids partying on the road to literacy
The Greene County Library bookmobile comes to town.
Are you in the Redbook?
Each year, the Yellow Springs News produces a local, community-oriented phone directory, with business and residential listings called the Redbook. A RESIDENTIAL LISTING IS FREE.
The Little Library that could
Many positive things can be said about libraries, including that they can’t be too small and a town can’t have too many.
TLT hosts two farm tours
The Tecumseh Land Trust will host a tour of two modern farming operations on Sunday.
West Nile Virus found in village mosquitoes
Local mosquitoes tested positive last week for West Nile Virus, a potentially serious illness, prompting the Greene County Combined Health District to begin spraying insecticide in one village neighborhood.
Tour Lawson Place gardens
Friends of the Lawson Place gardens invite the community to attend a garden tour on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 4 p.m.
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