
Village Life Section :: Page 177

  • A transition time for Nonstop

    Members of the Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs gathered recently in the library of their Millworks building. Shown above are, from left standing, Migiwa Orimo, Jill Becker, Chris Hill, C.T. Chen, Michael Casselli and Dan Reyes, with Lincoln Alpern in front. While members will no longer have Nonstop’s MillWorks facility, they plan to continue sponsoring artistic and cultural events in the village. (Submitted photo)

    Since its launch after the shut-down of Antioch College, the educators and artists of Nonstop Institute have been nothing if not flexible and creative. And their flexibility is being called upon once again, as Nonstop members adapt to the newest phase of the group’s existence.

  • School Forest Festival returns

    The 64th annual YSHS School Forest Festival will be held this Saturday, Dec. 3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

  • “Share the Joy” provides gifts for local families in need

    The annual “Share the Joy” project, sponsored by the Yellow Springs Library, has begun. The project provides an opportunity for holiday shoppers to purchase anonymous gifts for local families in need.

  • Celebrate Senior Citizens

    The annual Senior Citizens Day celebration will be held Wednesday, Dec. 7 at YSHS, beginning at 10 a.m. All senior citizens are welcome to attend, and may RSVP by calling YSHS at 767-7224 by Dec. 5. Donations and contributions aiding the event will be appreciated, and may be brought to YSHS, or sent to the […]

  • Gegner legacy strong after 50 years

    Fifty years ago this month, African-American villager Paul Graham was refused a haircut at Louis Gegner’s barbershop on Xenia Avenue, sparking a historic legal case at the height of the U.S. civil rights movement. Today, villagers look back on the Gegner incident.

  • VIDEO: Occupy Yellow Springs

    Village resident Eric Wolf organized an Occupy protest in Yellow Springs on Friday in front of U.S. Bank on Xenia Avenue.

  • Singing from, and for, the heart

    Organizers of the upcoming community singing event, “Singing from the Heart,” are, from left front, Denise Runyon and Theresa Horan-Sapunar, and from left back, Linda Griffith and Jannirose Fenimore. The event takes place next Saturday, Nov. 19, from 7–9:30 p.m. at Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Singing brings people together in a way that unites and enriches, according to the organizers of “Singing from the Heart,” a Yellow Springs Community Sing that takes place next weekend.

  • Film screening at Nonstop Institute

    The Nonstop Institute, located at 305 N. Walnut Street, will host a screening of “Between the Bottomlands and the World” tomorrow night, beginning at 7 p.m.

  • Shake your booty for good cause

    Zumba instructors Melissa Vanzant, Melissa Beard-Blair, Alisia Smith and Aurelia Blake got their groove on at a recent class. The four instructors will lead Latin-inspired dances during a two-hour Zumbathon at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, with proceeds going to the McKinney School Power of the Pen creative writing team that Blake coaches. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Zumba is exercise in disguise. The fitness classes feel more like a dance party than grueling workout

  • SB 5 goes down

    As of about 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, Ohio Issue 2, the referendum on the controversial Republican SB 5 that curtailed the collective bargaining rights of public employees, appeared to have been defeated.

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