Articles About Village Life
  • Q&A forum scheduled for YSPD police chief candidates

    The three candidates who have applied for the position of Yellow Springs chief of police are, from left, officers Dave Meister and Timothy Spradlin, and Interim Chief Brian Carlson. The search was limited to internal candidates. (Left and right: YS News archive photos; center: Submitted)

    The public is invited to attend an open forum featuring a question and answer session with all candidates for the position of Yellow Springs Chief of Police on Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Forgotten Springs, vol. 3 – the Japanese teahouses of Yellow Springs

    In this edition of Forgotten Springs, we take a look at a place on the Antioch campus whose planned obsolescence reflects a philosophical take on life. The Village was home to a series of Japanese teahouses, built by an Antioch professor who wanted to establish a place of reflection similar to those he enjoyed during the years he spent in Japan.

  • BLOG— The power of neighbors

    What’s a neighbor? Someone you live near. Someone you’ve likely not chosen to live near, but do. Your neighbor may grow to be your best friend. But most neighbor relationships are probably less soul-close than proximity-practical.

  • Groundbreaking ceremony on Cemetery Street

    Last week, Home Inc. kicked off phase 2 of its Cemetery Street project, hosting a groundbreaking ceremony on the lots where the next two Home Inc. homes are going to be built.

  • BLOG— ‘A very, very fine house’

    Like a lifetime achievement award, Yellow Springs bestows the moniker of home ownership at the end of a person’s career, not at its beginning or mid-point. And why not? A person doesn’t own a thing just because a piece of paper says she does.

  • BLOG— Surveying the irises

    It’s iris season again. Three years ago, I could have told you exactly where the village’s best and showiest blooms grew. Here, a look back at that 2013 “iris survey.”

  • BLOG— Hungering to be known

    Astronomy is a mystery to me, but the fact that the full moon sets just behind Joe’s house — that’s easy to understand. If I were the moon, traveling alone all night, I would take my rest there, too.

  • BLOG— New home blues

    Life feels fragile when it’s bundled into boxes, especially when it’s bundled into boxes marked “FRAGILE,” a poignant convergence of packing parlance and metaphor.

  • BLOG— Street Fairy magic

    Ahead in the dimness, I heard bells. A belly dancer was jingling my way, still costumed and ringing from wrist to ankle. She smiled as she passed, enjoying the sleigh-bell sound of her own trot, I think.

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