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  • A look at the 2017 projected Village budget

    At Village Council’s Oct. 3 meeting, Council members heard an overview of the 2017 Village budgets for enterprise, capital and special revenue funds.

  • Board approves sale— WSU land sale may advance fire station plans

    The Wright State University Board of Trustees voted last Friday to approve the potential sale to a qualified buyer of about four acres of land in Yellow Springs, the former site of the medical clinic on Xenia Avenue between Marshall and Herman streets.

  • Leon Holster

    Leon Holster

    Leon Holster passed away Sept. 19, 2016. He was 95 years old.

  • CMYS to host David Trio

    The David Piano Trio will perform at CMYS on Sunday, Oct. 23. (Submitted Photo)

    The David Trio hails from Italy and will join us in Yellow Springs on Sunday, Oct. 23, for the second concert in the Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 2016–17 season.

  • YSTC production— ‘Wicked’ play comes our way

    From left to right, “sideshow freaks” Ben McKee, Victoria Walters, Brian Upchurch, Ali Thomas and Joshua Hayward loom around Ben Cronan, seated, who plays Mr. Cooger in Yellow Springs Theater Company’s production of Ray Bradbury’s “Something Wicked This Way Comes.” The play features a number of odd locations and weird characters, an appealing feature for the actors involved. Opening night is Friday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The auditorium of First Presbyterian Church was echoing with strange howls and exclamations last week, as a klatch of “carnival freaks” formed a circle and wailed around two adolescent friends. It was a strange sight to behold.

  • New police officer joins department

    Allison Saurber has recently been hired as a fulltime officer in the Yellow Springs Police Department.

  • Seidl, Holyoke to receive fall VIDA

    Kaethi Seidl and Beth Holyoke are the fall 2016 recipients of the Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA.

  • Yarn Registry – Can Older Brothers be Trusted? (Probably not.)

    “When I was younger, I would try to get my brother to believe outrageous things. The idea was to tell him something plausible enough to sound legit but ridiculous enough that if he believed it, he would look dumb and I would look hilarious.”

  • Rebecca Ann “Belle” Bush

    Rebecca Ann “Belle” Bush

    Rebecca Ann “Belle” Bush, age 67, died Wednesday, Sept. 21, at her home in Las Vegas, Nev. Born on March 15, 1949, she was the daughter of the late Meinhard and Beatrice Robinow, of Yellow Springs.

  • Your Village Needs You!

    Economic sustainability Commission

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