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Articles by Amy Magnus :: Page 22

  • BLOG-Ladies Night Out

    “Oh, yes! It’s Ladies Night.” Amy hits the town with her good buddies while the men frost cupcakes at home with the children. Unexpected adventures are had in both quarters.

  • BLOG-Destination Unknown

    For our 10th anniversary, my husband surprises me with a trip out of my comfort zone.

  • BLOG-And Many More!

    Last Saturday, local artist and permaculture activist Phyllis Logan celebrated her 80th birthday with family, friends, and neighbors at the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center. I’m here to tell you…that woman knows how to throw a party.

  • BLOG-Spicy Chicken Salad

    Thanks to the children and their passion for slides, I’ve discovered a new treat for myself.

  • BLOG-Ground Cherry Goodness

    This week, our special order came in for a landing. Instead of the usual dozen or so eggs, the folks of Rocket Acres slipped a pint of ground cherries on our egg box.

  • BLOG-Big Toy Salute

    Last Sunday, the time had come to say goodbye to the Mills Lawn “Big Toy”. We spent a leisurely afternoon doing just that.

  • BLOG-A Bowl of Cherries

    Summer cherries make a splashy morning smoothie.

  • BLOG-A Hearty Breakfast

    For our new swimmer, a hearty breakfast of egg, potato, and a pile of spinach is just the thing.

  • BLOG-Among Friends

    Whenever a great idea presented itself at this week’s Antioch Writers’ Workshop intensive, I hoped to be poised with my pencil.

  • BLOG-A Certain Independence

    An invisible leash keeps my children close but it’s getting longer.

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