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Articles by Amy Magnus :: Page 24

  • BLOG-Spring ‘Shrooms

    These lovely specimens should be available as long as the cool spring rains are with us. Be sure to get out and enjoy them regardless of the weather.

  • BLOG-New Brew

    Mix in the Village Gravy all day Saturday as I post live from the grand opening of the Yellow Springs Brewery. Doors open at 1pm and close at 9pm. On Sunday, the brewery is open 1pm to 5pm.

  • BLOG-Sharing Smiles and Smoothies

    On a spring break visit, my stepfather shows us how he prepares breakfast…with a twist and a terrific whirl.

  • BLOG-Egg Fest

    Cracking into our sizable store of eggs, the children and I bake our first loaf of bread together: a challah for Easter. We were all surprised by its beauty, its golden crust, and its lovely aroma.

  • BLOG-Growing Up, Going Long

    My children seem to make their biggest leaps in the freeform meanderings of a family trip.

  • BLOG-Bright Day, Bountiful Picnic

    A family picnic on a sunny Sunday builds our anticipation for Spring’s arrival. Though the early mornings of this week were dark, we could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • BLOG-A Great Day for Greens

    Tomorrow we spring forward an hour. Though we lose an hour of sleep, the blessing of our longer days is pleasantly evident in the diversity of greens coming to the local farmers market.

  • BLOG-Happy Birthday, Dr Seuss

    This Saturday was Dr Seuss’s 109th birthday, and, for the special occasion, my daughter’s kindergarden class threw him a fun filled birthday bash.

  • BLOG-Getting to Know Gnocchi

    Rolling gnocchi is the perfect job to keep a five year old entertained on a cabin bound icy morning.

  • BLOG-Churn Rate

    Turns out making butter doesn’t take much more than enthusiasm and a bit of warmth.

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