Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 6
Pro-levy group spent $16,626
The Committee for the Levy, a citizen group in support of the school facilities levy, spent $16,626.91 on the recent levy campaign, according to a finance report submitted to the state on April 26, the deadline for filing.
How will you vote on the school levy?
Last week the News spoke to about two dozen villagers representing a cross-section of the community about how they plan to vote on the upcoming school facilities levy.
Villagers reject school facilities levy
On May 8 Yellow Springs residents resoundingly voted down a ballot issue that aimed to raise $18.5 million for a new Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School facility.
How safe are village schools?
In recent weeks, the focus of those promoting the YSHS/McKinney facilities levy seems to some villagers to have shifted to safety, as epitomized by the flier and recent letters to the editor in this paper.
JSTF seeks more engagement — Few show at police outreach
While villagers have voiced their preference for a police department that engages with the community, the community itself has only rarely participated when asked to meet individual officers.
Council eyes strategies for utility bill relief
At their April 16 meeting, Village Council members heard a report on ways Village government could offer relief to local residents struggling to pay utility bills.
Coroner identifies deceased person
The deceased person found yesterday at the office of local veterinarian Dr. Charles (Scott) Hosket has been identified as Dr. Hosket, 65, according to a statement this morning from the Greene County Coroner.
There’s nothing ordinary for this veterinarian
It’s springtime, which means that local vet Scott Hosket, a busy man in any season, finds himself traveling on dirt roads late at night and getting even less sleep than usual.
‘New Yorker’ cartoonist at Little Art
While Tom Bachtell only spent three years in Yellow Springs as a teenager, they were formative ones. Moving to the village as a sophomore in high school, Bachtell lived in Yellow Springs during the early 1970s, when the village was vibrant with political activism, arts happenings and intellectual fervor.
Village schools— Basora reaffirms safety
Yellow Springs School Superintent Mario Basora this week sought to reassure school parents regarding their children’s safety in the wake of increasing publicity surrounding the recent leave of Yellow Springs High School Principal Tim Krier and a police investigation of student sexual misconduct.
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