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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 19

  • New law’s effect on testing unclear

    At the Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting on Dec. 10, Yellow Springs Superintendent Mario Basora reported that, as of moments before the meeting, the Every Student Succeeds Act was signed into law by President Obama, replacing the contentious No Child Left Behind Act passed in 2001.

  • Star Wars, Nothing but Star Wars – a YS News perspective on Ep. VII

    Han and Chewie, 2005.

    Star Wars fans have had the further adventures of Han and Luke and Leia in their heads for at least 32 years – how does the new movie compare to their expectations?

  • Writer wields power of her pen

    “Azimuths,” the third novel by local author Rebecca Morean, was published earlier this month. Morean has written screenplays, short stories and six other novels, and teaches composition at Sinclair Community College. She maintains that writing is empowerment. “If you’re empowered, you know where to get answers to your questions, and how to ask them.” (YS News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    According to Rebecca Morean, a writer and Yellow Springs resident, knowing how to write can inspire confidence in any situation. Writing helps hone critical thinking skills, and helps organize and articulate thoughts.

  • December 17, 2015 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS Lady Bulldogs #15 Gracie Price shoots the ball around Springfield Wildcat’s defense on Dec. 14. The Bulldogs were up most of the game but ultimately fell in the fourth quarter, 54–48. Price scored 13 of the team’s points. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    December 17, 2015 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • BLOG – Kafka – “reading Kafka will make you smarter”/monstrous exaggeration

    “The University of British Columbia and the University of California Santa Barbara did a study that showed the brain is more powerful after reading Kafka…Modern understandings are much more in line with the Kafka that his friends knew but even that treatment of his life can’t exist without some embellishment.”

  • BLOG – Kafka – evolving perceptions, and my personal history

    “I had no conception of his renown or the reverence he was accorded – I simply found that his ideas and his utterly inimitable style of writing meshed well with whatever was echoing in my own imagination…anyone that knew Kafka remembered that he was immensely kind and charming, and that he spoke in a ‘mellifluous baritone.'”

  • Local business— Take Yellow over Black Friday

    Despite an overall decrease in dollars spent for the second year in a row, Black Friday shopping unfolded pretty much as expected nationwide: fistfights broke out in two separate malls in Kentucky, a woman in Virginia attacked a man with the chair she was using to save her place in line, and customers stampeded for TVs at a Walmart in Texas, resulting in a melee in which one shopper was caught on video trying to punch a police officer.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up — Dec. 10, 2015

    Sports — Dec. 10, 2015

  • A lone ranger for Glen Helen

    Susan Smith is Glen Helen’s full-time ranger. Her daily routine entails the work of a peace officer, ecologist, guide and land steward, and her background makes her especially suited to the job. The Glen has always been a special place to her, she said, so despite the occasional trouble she has to attend to, the chance to be a ranger in a place so personally meaningful is a rewarding and emotional opportunity. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The quiet hum of natural life is a powerful force, said George Bieri, the Glen’s land manager, and the Glen offers many people the opportunity to immerse themselves in the solace it affords.

  • Painter Travis Tarbox Hotaling— Visions of birds at the Brewery

    Travis Tarbox Hotaling worked in his studio on a painting of a heron for his upcoming show “Birding is Hard,” which will open at the Yellow Springs Brewery on Nov. 25, with a reception on Saturday, Nov. 28, from 3–5 p.m. His oversized paintings are a nod to the “involved and elusive” practice of birding while portraying the complex and fascinating personalities of his subjects. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The idea of an exhibit entirely of bird paintings came up by chance, said Travis Tarbox Hotaling, a painter and Yellow Springs resident.

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