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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 18

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up — Jan. 21, 2015

    Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • AUM workshops explore racism

    Stephen Peters, Dr. Wendy Peters and Raymond TeKorako Ruka recently discussed their upcoming workshop series, which is included in Antioch Midwest’s “Victory for Humanity” program. The first workshop, held over two consecutive weeks, will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 20. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Antioch University Midwest will host a two-part workshop this month devoted to exploring societal issues of racism and justice, and how those issues are tied to an individual’s perceptions of self and society.

  • Obscure Author Quarterly – Fent Noland, author of the Pete Whetstone letters

    The following concerns the life of Charles Fenton “Fent” Mercer Noland, an Arkansas humor writer born in 1823, whose works are largely forgotten. His works are full of raucous humor, but they are also an important document of life in the Arkansas Territory and of the development of the American literary voice.

  • Store finds success in runes — Catering to the metaphysical

    House of Ravenwood’s Marta Mari (left) and Lorelai Wessendorf stand in the store’s recently expanded square footage. The store has added a number of new displays and cases for their eclectic metaphysical wares. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Chalk it up to the numinous power radiating from the area or the loyalty of the store’s fanbase, but the House of Ravenwood is on a roll. Yellow Springs’ premier “metaphysical rock shop” recently expanded its square footage, increasing the store’s size by about a third in mid-November.

  • World-class cellist, local roots

    Switzerland’s Chiara Enderle, whose family has deep roots in the Yellow Springs community, will perform with the Springfield Symphony Orchestra on Jan. 16. The concert will feature Enderle as soloist in Dvorak’s Cello Concerto, “one of the most epic cello concertos, full of power and majestic strength.” (submitted Photo © Jannette Kneisel)

    Yellow Springs, already a highly musical village, counts a Swiss classical music star as part of its family circle. Switzerland’s Chiara Enderle, whose family has deep roots in the Yellow Springs community, is a rising star in the European classical music scene and routinely plays around the world as a featured soloist.

  • Jan. 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Jan. 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Sliding into home

    Unhindered by the snowless sledding hills, Mikey Trelawny-Cassity makes his own fun in Gaunt Park on the baseball diamond, which had retained a very enjoyable amount of snow.

    Unhindered by the snowless sledding hills, Mikey Trelawny-Cassity makes his own fun in Gaunt Park on the baseball diamond, which had retained a very enjoyable amount of snow.

  • AUM, Sinclair to collaborate

    Antioch University Midwest and Sinclair Community College recently finalized plans that will bring AUM faculty to Sinclair’s Courseview Campus in Mason, Ohio, this spring.

  • Autism cards to educate police

    Mijanou Marretta-Lewis, a Yellow Springs resident and mother of two autistic boys, holds a card designed to facilitate easier interactions between people with autism and police. The cards explain why the bearer may have trouble understanding the situation, as police may not be aware of the sensitivities of people with autism. The cards are available at the Yellow Springs Police Department. (photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Mijanou Marretta-Lewis, a Yellow Springs resident and mother of two autistic boys, described the hypersensitivity of her sons’ brains. It’s very difficult for them to filter out extraneous sensory noise, she said.

  • Bulldog Sport Round-up — Dec. 24, 2015

    YSHS JV Bulldog #15 Tyrese Benning went airborne to take a shot against the Bethel Bees last Saturday. The JV, Varsity and Lady Bulldogs played consecutive games against the Bees at home on Dec. 19. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    YSHS was the site of a rare triple-header on Saturday, Dec. 19, when the JV, the Lady Bulldogs and the boys basketball teams consecutively played the Bethel Bees.

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