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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 16

  • At the Trump rally in Vandalia

    In his speech, Trump touched on jobs lost to overseas competitors and his problems with NAFTA. He noted that he had the support of religious luminaries like Jerry Falwell and Sarah Palin over evangelical candidate Ted Cruz, who, he said, is nothing more than a “liar.” He called ideological enemies “animals” and complained that political correctness prevents effective political action.

  • March 17, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Try as they might, the Boys Bulldogs lost ??-?? against Jackson Center Friday night. (Photo by Daniel Deaton)

    March 17, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Yellow Springs school board eyes rising PBL costs

    The Yellow Springs School District’s budget work session concerned itself with overall ways to increase revenue as the district slides to deficit spending.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover – the final installment

    That I complain a lot about my fairly trouble-free life notwithstanding, what did I ultimately learn from my summer as a mover? I’m not sure, but my thoughts on the default goodness or evil of human nature tilted in favor of the latter.

  • Yellow Springs candidates strive for Ohio House, Senate seats

    Two Yellow Springs residents are throwing themselves into the state political fray this year.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 5

    A lot of the movers had become de facto experts on home furnishings. It was hilarious to hear curse-ridden debates about the merits of one brand of easy chair versus another. Tough dudes were constantly bragging that their houses were better furnished than yours.

  • March 3, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Bulldog swimmer Olivia Chick beamed proudly after receiving a bronze medal for her impressive finish in the 100 freestyle in the State Swimming Championship, held in Canton on Feb. 25 and 26. Chick and fellow Bulldog Aman Ngqakayi represented the school (and village) in the tournament, setting both school and personal records in the process. (Submitted Photo)

    March 3, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 4

    All of the houses full of garbage, the horror of the surprise addition of an industrial-sized refrigerator to the move, almost dislocating your shoulder carrying a wardrobe up narrow stairs – the emotional impact of everything that happens on the job is intensified by the presence of your coworkers.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 3

    The most commonly weird thing I encountered as a mover was a gross house…and if movers are to be believed, seduction by homeowner is par for the course. Everyone I worked with had a story about this happening on the job.

  • Oh, deer. Guess what’s for dinner?

    On Jan. 8, at 2:30 a.m., a motorist struck and killed a deer on Xenia Avenue. The officer who responded attended not only to the frazzled driver but also to the unfortunate deer, which was dead upon impact. The officer moved it from the shoulder to the berm, but what to do with the carcass?

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