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Articles by Dylan Taylor-Lehman :: Page 15

  • BLOG – MTFR has a futuristic new stretcher

    Fortunately for the backs of the MTFR crew, the department recently got a new cot that will take some of the strain of lifting stretchers for them. Their new cot is a brand new power cot, a cot with a hydraulic lift system capable of hoisting 700 pounds.

  • April 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The 2016 Yellow Springs Bulldogs softball team. Front row, from left to right: Amelia Gray, Victoria Willis, Cierra Richeson, Elly Kumbusky, Janine Stover, Alena Musah. Middle row: Hannah Morrison, Allison Bothwell, Gracie Price, Raven James, Lauryn DeWine, Jorie Sieck. Back row: Kelsie Lemons, Brielle Willis, Kadie Lafferty, Danny Horton, Nekyla Hawkins, Alesha Harney, Kallyn Buckenmyer, Erin Mooneyham. (Submitted Photo)

    April 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • April 7, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    April 7, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Hammonds’ Mills Park hotel is almost open

    The Hammond family—Katie, Libby and Jim—stand in the lobby of the Mills Park Hotel, a project that Jim Hammond started developing in 2012. The hotel will feature a restaurant, banquet hall and gift shop, and is poised to open sometime in late April. Forty people have already been hired to staff the 28-room hotel. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    If all goes well, a tentative opening date for the new Mills Park Hotel could be sometime in late April, according to owner and builder Jim Hammond.

  • BLOG – The history of Greene County is still interesting

    Greene County’s first Women’s Christian Temperance Union was formed in 1874 and reportedly closed down thirteen saloons in three weeks, and the first piano in Ohio, and “certainly the first west of the Alleghenies,” was made by a resident of Greene County.

  • Yellow Springs middle and high school student drug use assessed

    On Monday, Yellow Springs students filled out the latest version of the Dayton Area Drug Survey, a bi-annual survey designed to collect data on the substance use habits of area students.

  • Zombies come alive at WYSO

    Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman Corrie Van Ausdal, Tom Amrhein, and Sam Butler recorded sounds, or foley, at WYSO for the podcast “Zombie High School.” The podcast features all local talent and chronicles the adventures of high school students stuck in detention when the zombie apocalypse happens. “Zombie High School” enters the land of the living in mid-April. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    From the sound of it, the zombies in the recording booth were as gruesome as they come.

  • BLOG – The History of Miami Township is Pretty Interesting

    Miami Township boasted 96 tax-paying citizens when it was founded in 1808, and slowly grew from there. Of course, humans being humans, Miami Township’s first murder was committed shortly thereafter, but the township also boasted a few noteworthy buildings.

  • Trump rallies faithful in Dayton

    Supporters of Donald Trump gathered in Vandalia on Saturday to cheer on his bid for presidency. Approximately 10,000 people attended the rally, chanting along with Trump’s promise to build a border wall with Mexico and “bomb the hell out of ISIS.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Roughly 10,000 tickets were given away for a Donald Trump rally in Vandalia over the weekend, drawing supporters from Columbus and all over southwestern Ohio.

  • Artist family makes it work in Yellow Springs

    Artist Anna Burke and musician Ryan Stinson, with their daughter, Presley, 18 months, on a recent evening at the laundromat on Dayton Street. Burke and Stinson each moved to Yellow Springs in 2012 from nearby communities. They met here and have begun to build a life in the village, loving the community and navigating the challenges of housing, employment, parenthood and pursuing their art. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Anna Burke, her husband, Ryan Stinson, and their daughter, Presley, are a young family whose appreciation for Yellow Springs has evolved over their four years in the village.

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