Articles by Lauren Shows :: Page 47
Villagers gather at Strawberry Fest for treats and tunes
The lawn and sidewalk in front of the First Presbyterian Church were packed on Friday, June 10, with folks attending the Village Night of the annual Strawberry Festival. Click for a video featuring a brief excerpt of the YS Community Band’s festival performance.
BLOG — Bear facts
Lauren “Chuck” Shows goes camping in a bear haven and lives to tell the tale — as do most visitors to Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Cosplay parade demonstrates character
Wrapping up the 2016 “Ohayo Ohio” Japanese arts and culture symposium, a cosplay parade was held in downtown Yellow Springs on Sunday, May 8. Click for more photos and video of the event.
Free Comic Book Day to return this weekend
Free Comic Book Day, an annual international celebration of the art of comics, will be celebrated this weekend in Yellow Springs at Dark Star Books and Comics and Super-Fly Comics and Games.
Antioch School’s ‘Phantom Tollbooth’ in Clifton Opera House
Imagine coming home from school one day to find that a mysterious tollbooth has appeared in your home. That’s precisely what Antioch School students will be doing when they perform “The Phantom Tollbooth.”
Antioch School to perform ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’
This weekend, the Antioch School Older Group and Thirds students will present their spring musical, “The Phantom Tollbooth.” Click to see photos and video of the students rehearsing.
Vocal Vortex celebrates longtime villager at Mills Park Hotel
Around 40 people gathered at Mills Park Hotel on Sunday, April 24, to hear Vocal Vortex and celebrate Ron Siemer’s 82nd birthday. Click below to hear a clip of the performance and look inside the new hotel.
‘Pressing’ news — Crazy Joe releases new 45 on Record Store Day
Tomorrow, on Record Store Day, Crazy Joe will debut a new, previously unreleased track, “Enon Beach,” at at reunion show with the Mad River Outlaws. Read on for an interview with Crazy Joe about the new track, which was pressed into a seven-inch vinyl record.
Kids invited to ‘Drum, Dance and Draw’ this weekend
Villagers are invited to come out for “Drum, Dance and Draw: A Celebration of Black Culture” on Saturday, April 16, 2–5 p.m. in the Mills Lawn Gym. The event will feature West African drumming, dance instruction and cartooning for grades K–6.
Fold paper cranes for peace at Arts Alive! event
The YS Arts Council will host its monthly Arts Alive! event this Saturday, where origami artist will teach participants to fold paper cranes. The event is part of a larger village effort to fold 1,000 paper cranes as a symbol of peace.
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