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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 72

  • Making the call for calamity days

    During this exceptionally cold and snowy winter, Yellow Springs School Superintendent Mario Basora has closed local schools eight times, three more than the state’s maximum of five calamity days per school year without having to make up the days.

  • Chick finishes sixth at state

    YSHS freshman swimmer Olivia Chick ended her season with a pair of top 10 finishes at the state finals.

  • Feb. 20, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

    Joe Plumer puts one up for the Bulldogs in the home team’s loss to Div. II Bishop Ready of Columbus on Friday, Feb. 14. Yellow Springs lost 69–37. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Feb. 20, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Particulate pollution levels monitored— Cause of spike is unknown

    Source: Regional Air Pollution Control Agency

    A regional air pollution agency is investigating an unprecedented and potentially dangerous spike in air pollution in Yellow Springs in December when an exceedingly high concentration of lung-penetrating particles was recorded.

  • A new Chick heads to state

    Even though she’s a high school freshman, Olivia Chick has been to the state swim meet before, watching her older sister, Erika, compete for Yellow Springs.

  • The Little Art Theatre gets a little bigger

    Local political theorist Kurt Miyazaki, who also owns the Emporium Cafe, gave a talk and showed film clips on the fascist aesthetic in films at the Little Art Theatre on a recent Saturday. Miyazaki, who used to teach a class on film theory and political ideologies at Wittenberg University, was the first speaker in a new Little Art series, “Let’s Talk Movies” that explores different aspects of filmmaking and cinema. It runs the first Saturday of each month. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A new series, “Let’s Talk Movies,” is an opportunity for theatergoers to see rare films and learn more about cinema as an art form, while it broadens the educational reach of the theater

  • Chick to swim at state meet

    Freshman swimmer Olivia Chick qualified for the Ohio high school swimming and diving championship next weekend in two freestyle events.

  • A winning week for boys basketball

    Joe Plumer puts one up for the Bulldogs in the home team’s loss to Div. II Bishop Ready of Columbus on Friday, Feb. 14. Yellow Springs lost 69–37. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The YSHS boys varsity basketball notched two victories and suffered one loss over the week.

  • SIDEBAR: Arts book fundraiser

    Yellow Springs Arts Council has represented artists in the village for many decades. But who exactly are these artists and how many of them are there?

  • A new face to tell the Antioch College story

    In his first few weeks on the job, new Antioch Director of Communications Dan Doron has been impressed with the quality of students at Antioch, whom he plans to help with media training.

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