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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 76

  • Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse calls on alums for feedback

    Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2014 with special events and performances. From left, Andrew Beal, Sam Jacobs, Alban Holyoke, Sahara Lawson-Lance and Martin Bakari perform in “Dick Tracy: the Musical” in 1995. YSKP also hopes to reconnect with 1,200 alumni during the year to complete a survey on how the local youth theater experience influenced them. Alumni should contact YSKP at (Submitted photo)

    Ever wonder what happened to Dick Tracey, Homer Price, Frankenstein and James Bond? So does Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse, which hopes to reconnect with some 1,200 alumni from past shows to learn more about the impact of YSKP on their lives.

  • December 12, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

    Displaying perfect shooting form, # 44 Tony Marinelli buried a three-point shot during the McKinney eighth-grade basketball team’s 50–36 loss to visiting Troy Christian on Monday night. Other Bulldog players are, from left #24 Clay Cooper, #23 Zach Brintlinger-Conn and #33 James Browning. Find more Bulldog sports in the weekly Bulldog sports round-up on the back page. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    December 12, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Antioch art faculty exhibit edgy work at Herndon

    Antioch’s five art faculty members, along with resident scholars, are showing off their latest work at an exhibition at the Herndon Gallery through mid-February.

  • New Community Physicians doctor welcomes families

    Dr. Neha Patel joined Community Physicians of Yellow Springs last month when Dr. Paul Van Ausdal retired. Patel, who specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics, said her focus is on educating patients about their health and how they can make lifestyle changes to fight disease. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When patients leave her office, new local physician Dr. Neha Patel wants to make sure they have their hands full.

  • Books for kids, thanks to Dolly, Greene County Public Library

    Greene County Library Director Karl Colón and Youth Services Coordinator Kay Webster helped to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library locally last month. All children under five can sign up to receive a free book mailed to their home each month as part of the program. Some of the books being sent are in the foreground. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month thanks to a partnership between country music legend Dolly Parton and the Greene County Public Library.

  • Council leader looks back, ahead

    A few months into her first term on Village Council, Judith Hempfling sat down at her computer and typed a resignation letter.

    Elected in 2006, Hempfling saw herself as a lone progressive voice on a more conservative Council, and said she felt pressured to go along with the Council majority, while her attempts to get legislation on the agenda were constantly blocked.

  • A world of homebrew, wort and all

    Award-winning local homebrewer Chris Wyatt prepared to mash his barley grain during the five-hour brewing of a strong British ale called Old Bastard recently. Wyatt is one of many local homebrewers who enjoy the hobby because it’s fun to experiment with different recipes and share the frothy benefits with friends. (submitted photo)

    Steam billowed from a six-gallon pot of boiling hot liquid on Chris Wyatt’s Elm Street back porch on a chilly Saturday morning recently. He hunched over a brew kettle of malted barley, water and hops, stirring every so often to admire the color and aroma of his budding brew. In three months, after aging, Wyatt would have a strong, dark British ale, but on that day he could only imagine the flavors that his timing, techniques and ingredients would impart.

  • Library sends free books to kids

    Greene County Library Director Karl Colón and Youth Services Coordinator Kay Webster helped to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library locally last month. All children under five can sign up to receive a free book mailed to their home each month as part of the program. Some of the books being sent are in the foreground. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month.

  • Street poets come inside to jam

    There are many types of poems you might hear if you stumble into the Yellow Springs Community Poetry Jam on Friday night, where four local street poets are moving their acts inside for a “free-flowing evening” of poetry, music, improvisation and more.

  • New coaches lead young teams

    McKinney School math and science teacher Jack Hatert, left, leads the varsity girls basketball team this year, while teacher Steve Grasso, of Kettering, takes over the boys basketball team. Hatert, who has coached in the program for six years, hopes to keep the ball rolling from last year’s successful season, during which the girls won sectionals for the first time since 1987. Grasso is new to the program, but previously coached under YSHS basketball alumnus Hank Bias. (Photos by Megan Bachman)

    Young basketball coaches will lead young basketball teams this winter at Yellow Springs High School, but don’t call it a rebuilding year. Instead, girls coach Jack Hatert looks to keep the ball rolling from last year’s success and boys coach Steve Grasso hopes to bring back the glory days of YSHS basketball. Hatert, a 31-year-old […]

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