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Articles by Reilly Dixon :: Page 27

  • Planning Commission reviews ‘Spring Meadows’

    Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management LLC presented a preliminary plat application for a 92-lot subdivision to the Yellow Springs Planning Commission during the commission’s most recent meeting Tuesday, April 12, conducted online via Zoom.

  • Big gains at Posterior Chain gym

    Owner and operator of the aptly named Posterior Chain, LLC, Truitt recently moved his personal training operation into a new space: a multi-room suite in a former Bushworks building on Cliff Street.

  • Extended Coverage | New Yellow Springs subdivision proposed

    Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management, Inc., is seeking to build a 89-lot subdivision in northwestern Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs buys sludge press

    The Village of Yellow Springs is now the proud owner of a nine-ton, seven-foot-tall sludge press. Its purpose? Simply put, to squeeze out any remaining water from the biosolids that run through our municipal water and wastewater treatment plant.

  • Playin’ o’er a pint

    A Irish session band held court at Ye Olde Trail Tavern on Saturday, March 12. Playing were Kenton Domer-Shank on accordion, Patrick Foose on banjo, Ken Beer on fiddle, Parker Buckley on mandolin and Tim Daugherty on the anglo concertina.

  • The architecture of a village

    The edifices that line the central throughways in the heart of the village form a patchwork of design and structure. The structures are quirky, asymmetrical and kaleidoscopic in color — the squat skyline, seldom rising above two stories, is jagged and sundry.

  • New owners at the Springs Motel

    The Springs Motel, Yellow Springs’ own little funky roadside respite has some new owners. Moving in from just three miles down Route 68 is the Knickerbocker family, proprietors of local business Knickerbocker Pools & Spas.

  • Meet the Glen Helen land manager

    It’s a lot to look after: The Glen contains over 1,100 acres of land and a 15-mile network of footpaths. It’s home to deep-seated Indigenous histories, untold numbers of flora and fauna, geologies and ecologies, waterways and wildlife.

  • Snow show

    After an ice storm and heavy snowfall on Feb. 3 and 4, villagers came out with shovels, snow plows, salt and sleds to both combat and enjoy the winter weather.

  • Clothes opening

    On Saturday, Feb. 12, Garmint Boutique held its soft opening as Yellow Springs’ only vintage clothing store.

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