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Sorry I'm Not From Around Here Section :: Page 3

  • BLOG — Stardust and meat

    Lucy shows a little dino love.

    What is it about kids and dinosaurs?

  • BLOG — Babycakes

    I can’t say precisely what it was in my life that caused me to have a nearly insatiable love for tiny things, but I do know that it began early.

  • BLOG — Legs are required

    Mermaids will always be cool. This is clear to me especially, as my four-year-old, Lucy, told me that a fish lady doll was her number one Yuletide wish this year.

  • BLOG — Five Years at the Snooze

    This has opened so many (weird) doors for me.

    Last month marked my fifth anniversary of working at the News. Since then, I’ve been thinking about writing a blog to commemorate this particular milestone.

  • BLOG — Single rider

    It was the one you can actually see in this picture.

    There is something a little strange about a grown person leaving her loving family behind for hours at a time to ride roller coasters, but everyone has her thing, and this is mine.

  • BLOG — I yam what I yam

    "I yam what I yam."

    The month of August brings my family into new territory, as my daughter begins preschool next week.

  • BLOG — Another season, another reason

    On a boat in the rain in the middle of Lake Erie. (Photo by Anthony Fife)

    To celebrate a year of wedded bliss, my husband and I decided to take a boat to Kelleys Island in the cold, wind and rain. It was as romantic as you might expect.

  • BLOG — Let it go

    So she loves singing. And this is not really a problem, right? No, the problem is not the singing itself, but that she has, for the last several weeks, sung the same song over and over, almost without a break.

  • BLOG — Cold comfort

    Wind chills of -39 degrees are enough to stop anybody making amused comments about my migration from a semi-tropical climate, though perhaps this is only because people’s mouths are hidden behind scarves or their teeth are chattering involuntarily.

  • BLOG — Whatcha got cookin’?

    Baby Alive, circa 1992. A wonderful plaything that was both intermittently functional and terrifying.

    When considering what to give my three-year-old for Christmas this year, I chose a gift I thought she would like, something that acts as a complement to many of the toys she already has and easily stores them, and which, most importantly, will require very little clean-up from me in the future.

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