Wagner Subaru

Mixin' In The Gravy Section :: Page 27

  • BLOG-Breakfast, Real and Imagined

    You know life is good when reality exceeds dreams.

  • BLOG-A living legacy from Grandpa’s garden

    This week, we brought back tasty treasures from my grandfather’s garden and a lesson in living long and well.

  • BLOG-A Yellow Springs Potluck

    There is Yellow Springs Time and Yellow Springs Potluck Time. Do not confuse the two!

  • BLOG-Cooking with Head and Heart

    Cooking is a soothing, restorative occupation. After the emotional impact of that first arriving school bus, I find solace in making pasta.

  • BLOG-Okra-fried Break-feast

    In learning to assert ourselves, the kitchen is a good place to start. And the lesson I’ve discovered with okra is make more.

  • BLOG-Adventures with Peanut Butter

    One of the joys of parenthood is how the magic of my children’s first encounters bring me back to the simpler days of my own childhood.

  • BLOG-Stripes and Rattlesnake Snacks

    Here in Yellow Springs, I sacrifice blissfully little in choosing local over exotic.

  • BLOG-Slinging Slaw, Kohlrabi Style

    Given kohlrabi’s storage advantages and handy portion size, it is destined to become my go-to ingredient for home made slaw.

  • BLOG-Pancakes, wait, no… Quiche!

    It’s a wonderful event when family makes the long journey to visit… even more fortunate when a spontaneous adventure in cooking breakfast for them comes to happy fulfillment.

  • BLOG-Welcome, Rain

    The hazy morning felt immensely refreshing allowing both gardener and pollinator to linger.

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