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Economy Section :: Page 49

  • New Saturday market opens

    Yellow Springs may not welcome residential sprawl, but outdoor market sprawl of the kind two Union School House tenants started this summer may be a welcome addition to the Saturday shopping shuffle in the village.

  • Village, Creative Memories, eHDS close to an agreement

    E-Health Data Solutions continues talks with Creative Memories and the Village of Yellow Springs in e-Health’s search for an office space to house its growing operations.

  • ITT to acquire YSI Incorporated

    On July 11 YSI Incorporated and ITT Corporation of White Plains, N.Y., announced that ITT will acquire the Yellow Springs company. YSI Incorporated facilities will remain in Yellow Springs, according to a YSI spokesperson.

  • Business may leave for lack of space

    For five years local resident Roi Qualls has talked quietly about the anticipated need for a larger space in the village for his business, e-Health Data Solutions, to grow into. And recently, the company’s three owners, only one of whom lives in Yellow Springs, gave notice that they will not renew their lease at MillWorks when it expires at the end of August,

  • MacQueen to leave Home, Inc.

    Emily Seibel, left, takes over as the executive director of Home, Inc. next month when Marianne MacQueen, the affordable housing group’s founding board member and first director, steps down after more than 10 years at the helm. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Almost four decades separates Home, Inc. founding board member and first director Marianne MacQueen from her successor, Emily Seibel.

  • Family Dental practice purchased

    The two dentists who recently assumed control of Yellow Springs Family Dental are more than professional partners. They’re also close friends, who see running a practice together as an excellent combination.

  • Spoons become art at new store

    Jose and Connie Soto recently opened Artistic Silver on Dayton Street at the site of the former Sugar Cubes. The store sells Jose’s original jewelry, along with other offerings. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    A new jewelry store downtown has its origins in Jose Soto’s desire, 38 years ago, to capture the attention of a woman who would later become his wife.

  • Census rental data is surprising

    Tales of a tight rental market abound in Yellow Springs, in contrast to the latest U.S. Census data reporting 52 unoccupied rentals and a 7.9 percent rental vacancy rate in the village.

  • Weigh in on natural gas power plant

    Discussions on the environmental consequences of the Village’s electricity sources have heated up of late, especially since its municipal power provider AMP first asked the Village to purchase power from a new natural gas plant last month.

  • New gallery shows eclectic art

    Gayle Sultzbach (left) and Christine Klinger opened Springs Gallery in Kings Yard this spring, featuring art by local and regional artists, as well as some of their own work. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    Art aficionados can be expected to embrace a new gallery in the downtown. But the owners of the new Springs Gallery say they also welcome those who know they like art but feel lost when it comes to buying it.

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