From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 146
Independent review clears YSPD chief
Yellow Springs Police Chief Brian Carlson was cleared of wrongdoing by an outside investigator in June after a formal complaint was lodged against him by a village resident in May.
Tom Manley to leave Antioch College in June of 2021
President Tom Manley’s fifth year at Antioch College will be his last. Antioch announced this week that Manley plans to leave his position at the end of his five-year contract next June. A search for his replacement will begin this fall.
YS Schools restart— District assesses risks
This story looks at some of the risks of both in-person and online instruction that local educators are weighing in planning for the new academic year.
‘A Small Thing to Want’— Cawood explores desire, regret
‘A Small Thing to Want,’ a collection of short stories by author and YS native Shuly Xóchitl Cawood, was published in May.
The future of Yellow Springs, now
A few proposals: Light industrial facilities on the western edge of town. Offices and a new residential neighborhood along Xenia Avenue at the southern end. A “designated outdoor refreshment area” downtown where alcoholic beverages can be consumed on the sidewalks. And a dog park.
Antioch School plans for in-person restart
As the new academic year approaches, the Antioch School — the local independent day-school for pre-K and elementary school-aged children — is planning to open its doors, and its many windows, for in-person classes this fall.
Movies return to Little Art big screen
The 90-year-old local independent theater, the Little Art, reopened two weekends ago after being closed for more than four months.
State mask order: how to enforce?
Exactly two weeks to the day after the Village of Yellow Springs mandated face masks in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced masks would be required in public across the whole state.
Yellow Springs Schools— New academic year to begin online
In a specially called meeting Saturday morning, July 25, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a plan to restart the 2020–21 academic year online, with instruction to be presented by district teachers.
Zoning rules challenge shows
Award-winning comedian and actor Dave Chappelle’s weekend comedy shows are not within the parameters of the zoning code, forcing the property owner to seek a temporary usage variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
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