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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 164

  • Pharmacy concerns— Delays in drug orders cited

    Two recent key resignations at the downtown pharmacy have brought to light concerns about the drug store’s ability to fill the prescriptions of its customers.

  • Elli Sparks speaks at Glen Helen— Lobbying for climate solutions

    Sparks will be speaking in Yellow Springs on Thursday, Oct. 31, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Vernet Ecology Center at Glen Helen. The event is free and the subject of her discussion is how the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, or CCL, works to lobby elected officials to act on behalf of the environment, and to mitigate the effects of climate change.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Expenses outpace revenues

    Yellow Springs Schools will be able to continue to balance its budget through fiscal year 2023, but the following year’s solvency is uncertain, Interim Treasurer Tammy Emrick has concluded in compiling the district’s latest five-year forecast.

  • Salmeron to be appointed as new manager

    Village Council is expected to appoint Josue Salmeron as the new Village Manager of Yellow Springs at its meeting tonight, Monday, May 6.

  • 2018 Year in Review: Village Schools

    The YSHS girls swam to their third straight Metro Buckeye Conference Championship this year, capturing first place in an astounding six out of the 11 events. Pictured here are members of the winning team, including, from left, Ellery Bledsoe, Aza Hurwitz, Sara Zendlovitz, Madison Werner, Eden Spriggs, Natalie Galarza and Jude Meekin. All finished in the top eight in their individual events, with team captains Spriggs and Meekin winning all of their individual events. The girls 200 medley relay and 400 free relay also won, with the 400 free relay team setting a new MBC record. (Submitted photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    2018 Year in Review: Village Schools

  • 2018 Year in Review: Business

    Cultivation agent Jerico Castillo pruned cannabis plants this week in an indoor greenhouse at Cresco’s medical marijuana facility in Yellow Springs. Visit for more photos from the Cresco tour. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    2018 Year in Review: Business

  • 2018 Year in Review: Village Life

    Local students joined the National Walkout School movement on March 14, with well over 100 students and some faculty and parents walking out of McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School to remember the lives of those killed in the Florida school shootings and to urge action on gun control and school safety. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    2018 Year in Review: Village Life

  • 2018 Year in Review: Village Council

    At Village Council’s March 5 meeting, Police Chief Brian Carlson announced that Florence Randolph of Yellow Springs has been hired as the first community outreach specialist in the Yellow Springs Police Department. She will begin her new job on April 2. The new position was created in response to a recommendation from the Justice System Task Force to address the many social work-related calls that police receive. According to a press statement from Carlson, Randolph brings to the job “a wealth of knowledge in social work and working with the justice system.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    2018 Year in Review: Village Council

  • Help spread the word— Find food, utility assistance

    Alongside the signs of holiday prosperity in the village, Yellow Springs has its share of people in need. Fortunately, there are numerous programs in the area that are ready to help and are looking to assist as many people as possible.

  • Ellis among Women of Influence

    WYSO General Manager Neenah Ellis stood in front of more than 50 years of radio station archives, including more than 5,000 recordings on a variety of media. Last month WYSO released nearly 200 digital recordings online after a six-year project to convert and categorize them. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ellis is currently being recognized for her efforts to shine a light on local stories, along with her long and successful career in radio. Recently she was named one of six 2019 Dayton YWCA Women of Influence, and she will receive the award at the annual Women of Influence luncheon on March 21, 2019, at the Dayton Convention Center.

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