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Village Council Section :: Page 18

  • Five bid for council seats

    Laura Curliss, James M. Johnson, Lisa Kreeger, Marianne MacQueen and Christine Monroe-Beard filed petitions for Village Council with the election board by the Aug. 7 deadline.

  • Council explores incentives for EnviroFlight

    The Village of Yellow Springs is working to keep local insect-based feed company EnviroFlight in the village.

  • Village Council — Incentives sought to keep EnviroFlight here

    The Village of Yellow Springs is working to keep local insect-based feed company EnviroFlight in the village.

  • Council passes stricter AirBnB regulations

    Those wanting to start a new local AirBnB will now have to appear before Planning Commission, Village Council decided at its regular meeting on Monday, July 15.

  • Village Council—Local electricity mega-green

    Yellow Springs has the greenest power supply of the 139 municipal members of its electric supplier. It may even be the greenest on the region’s electric grid.

  • Village Council — Solar producers challenge cap

    Should the Village raise its cap on the amount of solar energy it buys from local residences? Village Council broached that question at its July 1 regular meeting.

  • Village Council —  Expand voting to noncitizens?

    Local 16- and 17-year olds and noncitizen legal residents could vote in local elections as early as next year.

  • Village to raise pool rates

    The first rate hike in a decade at Gaunt Park Pool will likely take effect later this summer, with most of the increase to be paid by out-of-town visitors and day pass users.

  • Carlson renewed as YSPD chief

    At its regular meeting on Monday, June 3, Village Council renewed the contract of Yellow Springs Police Chief Brian Carlson for another year.

  • Council ban on clapping, signs — Do rules violate free speech?

    A small group of citizens used signs to express their approval or disapproval of statements made by Council and other citizens during a Village Council meeting in January. Council later banned signs, along with other expressions such as clapping, in a move that some villagers find troublesome. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On January 22, Village Council chambers was standing-room only as more than 50 citizens crammed into the room, many to express their disapproval for an ongoing disciplinary process involving a local police officer.

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