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Village Council Section :: Page 16

  • Regular Council Meeting — June 1, 2020

    The following items were discussed at Council’s June 1 regular meeting, held on the videoconference app Zoom.

  • Village Council — Village projects revenue loss

    The Village of Yellow Springs is planning for a possible loss of $320,000 in tax revenue due to the COVID-19 crisis and its related economic impacts.

  • Village Council declares state of emergency

    At its April 20 virtual meeting, Village Council unanimously passed a resolution declaring a state of emergency in Yellow Springs due to the coronavirus crisis.

  • Village Council meetings go virtual

    Three people were personally present in Council chambers on Monday, April 6, for Yellow Springs Village Council’s first full meeting since in-person gatherings were limited during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • “It’s a marathon, not a sprint”: Highlights from the March 20 Yellow Springs virtual town hall

    During their tri-weekly virtual town hall, Yellow Springs and Miami Township leaders updated the community on the village’s evolving response to the coronavirus outbreak.

  • Village Council—  RECs could generate $183K

    In a policy shift, the Village of Yellow Springs will be selling its existing Renewable Energy Certificates, or RECs, which are tied to its purchase of energy from renewable sources. Yellow Springs had previously retained its RECs, a form of currency in green energy markets.

  • Village Council— Clapping, sign ban lifted

    A small group of citizens used signs to express their approval or disapproval of statements made by Council and other citizens during a Village Council meeting in January. Council later banned signs, along with other expressions such as clapping, in a move that some villagers find troublesome. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Citizens who attend Village Council meetings can once again express themselves through clapping, snapping and signs, Council decided at its Feb. 3 regular meeting.

  • Village Council— Fee waivers for Home, Inc.

    In a split decision at its Feb. 3 regular meeting, Village Council granted Home, Inc. tap fee waivers for the group’s planned senior apartment building.

  • Village Council— Could sewer woes limit growth?

    Strong storms rolled into Yellow Springs on April 3, 2018, dumping close to three inches of rain on the village in short order. What happened next was the source of an Ohio EPA rebuke and is now a subject of concern for Village Council as it considers spurring new development in town.

  • Council debates housing goals

    In her first Village Council meeting on Jan. 6, new Council Member Laura Curliss questioned the Village’s stated goals related to housing.

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