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Village Council Section :: Page 15

  • Village to buy land for bike path

    The Village of Yellow Springs is moving forward with plans to purchase three acres of land at Yellow Springs High School for a bike trail to Agraria, Community Solutions’ farm west of the village.

  • Village eyes more recycling options

    The Rumpke recycling facility outside of Cincinnati processes up to 55 tons of recyclables per day. The incoming materials are sorted by hand, then sorted further through a series of complicated mechanical processes. The Green Environmental Coalition recently organized a tour of the recycling center and landfill. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Garbage and recycling collection rates are set to rise, and maybe more than usual. That’s because the Village is considering supplemental recycling options for the community.

  • South end development— Council considers land annex

    At its Sept. 8 regular meeting, Village Council considered an annexation agreement to add close to 34 acres of land on the Village’s southern border for a residential development with potentially more than 200 housing units.

  • Council decriminalizes marijuana in Yellow Springs

    In a 4–0 vote, Council passed the first reading of an ordinance reducing the offense level and penalties for those caught possessing or cultivating less than 200 grams of marijuana, which is about seven ounces.

  • Council recommits to anti-racism

    At their Aug. 17 virtual meeting, Village Council members agreed to move forward to meet the demands of local anti-racist rally organizers and take other steps to address racism locally after tensions escalated between the two groups in recent weeks.

  • Village Council— Anti-racist steps demanded

    Organizers of recent weekly anti-racism rallies downtown aired criticism at Council’s July 20 virtual meeting of Village efforts to address racism.

  • Yellow Springs Village Council mandates masks downtown

    At a special meeting on Wednesday, July 8, Council passed several new laws to improve the safety of downtown Yellow Springs in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The most significant was an ordinance that requires masks downtown.

  • Council declares racism ‘public health crisis’

    At its June 15 regular meeting, Village Council declared racism a public health crisis and committed to taking “meaningful action” to respond to the “death, trauma and injury caused by institutional racism.”

  • Council urges masks in public; won’t enforce

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Yellow Springs Council passes resolution on masks; won’t enforce requirement

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

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