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Higher Education Section :: Page 5

  • Continued coverage — YSDC to run Wellness Center

    The Yellow Springs Development Corporation is finalizing an agreement with the college to reopen the fitness center, which has been shuttered since March 14, 2020.

  • Antioch College names new president

    The Antioch College Board of Trustees announced this week that it has selected Dr. Jane Fernandes as the college’s new president.

  • YSDC, Antioch to partner to reopen Wellness Center

    Closed since March 2020, the Antioch College Wellness Center will reopen under the management of the Yellow Springs Development Corporation. Here, visitors toured the center a few months before it opened in September 2014. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At a special meeting on Friday, July 23, the YS Development Corporation, or YSDC, and Antioch College announced that they will collaborate to reopen the Wellness Center.

  • Antioch College Class of 2021

    Antioch College held a mostly virtual commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 26, for the 12 graduates of the Class of 2021.

  • From internment camps to Antioch

    Antioch College was one of several hundred colleges and universities that offered to educate American citizens with Japanese heritage.

  • Antioch adapts, holds on

    For a fledgling institution 10 years into its new incarnation, the COVID-19 pandemic brought additional challenges and scrutiny.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Higher Education

    2020 was a challenging year for most academic institutions, not least of all Yellow Springs’ own Antioch College and Antioch University Midwest.

  • Antioch College— Manley to leave in December

    Antioch College President Tom Manley is leaving the presidency earlier than planned due to health issues. Manley will become “president emeritus” as of Dec. 1, he announced in an email to the college community on Friday, Oct. 30.

  • Tom Manley to step down from Antioch College presidency Dec. 1

    About 85 villagers and Antioch College faculty and staff turned out to “meet Tom” last Wednesday, Sept. 21, at the Herndon Gallery, where the exhibit “Image: The Public Face” is currently on view. Antioch President Tom Manley, who began at the college in March, chatted with many individual villagers during the event. Here, he spoke about college-community collaboration with the Rev. Aaron Saari, of First Presbyterian Church, and Village Manager Patti Bates. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Antioch College President Tom Manley will step down from the presidency on Dec. 1, ahead of a previously announced departure. Interim leadership of the college will be shared by three trustees.

  • Antioch University Midwest absorbed, building for sale

    Antioch University is selling its Midwest building, located at 900 Dayton St. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Antioch University Midwest, or AUM, has been largely eliminated as a separate campus in the Antioch University system, and the Yellow Springs building is once again for sale, after being taken on and off the market several times in recent years.

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