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Multimedia Section :: Page 2

  • Villagers gather at Strawberry Fest for treats and tunes

    Village Night of the Strawberry Festival was a fun-filled success.

    The lawn and sidewalk in front of the First Presbyterian Church were packed on Friday, June 10, with folks attending the Village Night of the annual Strawberry Festival. Click for a video featuring a brief excerpt of the YS Community Band’s festival performance.

  • Cosplay parade demonstrates character

    Folks of all ages gathered on Sunday, May 8, to march downtown in a cosplay parade.

    Wrapping up the 2016 “Ohayo Ohio” Japanese arts and culture symposium, a cosplay parade was held in downtown Yellow Springs on Sunday, May 8. Click for more photos and video of the event.

  • Antioch School to perform ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’

    Students rehearse for the Antioch School spring musical, which will be held April 29 and 30 at Clifton Opera House.

    This weekend, the Antioch School Older Group and Thirds students will present their spring musical, “The Phantom Tollbooth.” Click to see photos and video of the students rehearsing.

  • Kids gather for annual egg hunt

    The annual community Easter egg hunt was held this Saturday, March 26, at Gaunt Park.

  • 2015 Mills Lawn School sixth grade clap out

    Mills Lawn School sixth grade students run the annual ritual of the clap out. (Video by Matt Minde)

    Annual running of the halls at the Mills Lawn School sixth-grade clap out.

  • From sticks and stones

    The dogwood tree at the First Presbyterian Church: from sticks and stones to a burst of flowers, then to dense green leaves. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    In this video, a series of photographs from early March to mid May recall the dramatic progress of the dogwood tree.

  • Morning song

    An American robin, the original early bird. (Photo by Dakota Lynch)

    With the early light come crisp spring breezes, which carry not just bouquets of floral scents, but also birdsong.

  • Clifton Gorge Nature Center to open for the season

    Two geese enjoy the view of the Little Miami River from a moss-covered rock at the Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve. The gorge's Nature Center opens for the season on Sunday, April 4. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Nature Center at Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve will open for the season next Sunday, April 4. The one-room learning laboratory is located at the trailhead near the parking lot off State Route 343. Check out a brief video to get a glimpse of what the gorge and the center have to offer.

  • Actor Ted Neeley talks ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’

    Barry Dennen, as Pilate, places the crown of thorns on the head of Ted Neeley, as Jesus in a stage revival of "Jesus Christ Superstar." Both Dennen and Neeley will be in Yellow Springs March 27–29 for screenings of the film and Q&A at the Little Art.

    The Little Art Theatre will host screenings of classic 1973 rock opera film “Jesus Christ Superstar” Friday through Sunday, March 27–29.

  • Villagers talk race, life in Yellow Springs

    Last week, the YS News sat down at Antioch College’s Coretta Scott King Center with three local families and recorded their discussion about what life is like in the village for people of color.

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