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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 11

  • EPA to address latest Vernay cleanup plan

    Two decades have passed since extensive contamination was discovered at the former rubber manufacturing facility. Under order from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Vernay has taken steps to stem the flow of contaminants in the groundwater under residential neighborhoods.

  • ‘Hometown Habitat’ film talks turning yards into wildlife habitats

    Director Catherine Zimmerman, pictured, and The Meadow Project produced "Hometown Heroes" to encourage audiences to make their communities habitable for pollinators like bees and butterflies. The film will screen at the Little Art on Dec. 3.

    Nationally acclaimed filmmaker Catherine Zimmerman will present her 90-minute documentary, “Hometown Habitat: Stories of Bringing Nature Home” on Friday, Oct. 25, 7–9 p.m. in the Vernet Ecological Center Auditorium.

  • Invasive of the month— Tree-of-heaven’s devilish dispersal

    Brought to this country in the 1700s as a horticultural specimen and shade tree, tree-of-heaven is one of North America’s most invasive tree species.

  • Awe, wonder of monarch butterflies

    Monarchs — beloved locally and beyond — are dying off in enormous numbers.

  • Invasive of the month— Japanese stiltgrass moves in

    Japanese stiltgrass is on the move in Yellow Springs, creeping into yards and forested areas. Here’s how to identify, and root out, this non-native invasive grass.

  • Scenes from the Greene County Fair — Rabbit costume contest

    Last Wednesday during the Greene County Fair was the 4-H-sponsored rabbit costume contest — in which youngsters and their pet rabbits dress in tandem, themed costumes.

  • Invasive of the month— climbing vines

    Two invasives: Wintercreeper/euonymus, left, and Asian bittersweet, right, are two non-native invasive climbing vines widespread in Yellow Springs. (Photos by Audrey Hackett)

    If you see something green in winter, it’s probably wintercreeper, a non-native invasive species of euonymus. Asian bittersweet is a little harder to identify. It’s most noticeable in the fall, when its leaves are off and bright red berries and yellow seed capsules make the plant attractive to some.

  • Township solar project divides neighbors

    Australian company, Lendlease, has been approaching landowners in the rural area between Yellow Springs, Clifton and Cedarville for longterm leases to build a 175-megawatt utility-scale solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In the countryside southeast of Yellow Springs, an area of rolling farmland dotted with homes and barns may someday be the site of a massive solar array.

  • New ponds at Bath Township biodigester — Ohio EPA seeks comments

    A biodigester four miles west of Yellow Springs is hoping to add two large biosolid storage ponds to its facility. The Ohio EPA is currently seeking comments on the permit application.

  • Heartbeat Learning Gardens — Eat local, heal local

    While harvest day at Heartbeat Learning Gardens always has an air of celebration, last week’s was “bittersweet,” in the words of longtime volunteer MJ Gentile.

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