Land & Environmental Section :: Page 13
Local agriculture conference — A growing green movement
Unless new farming practices are adopted, the world has only 60 years of harvests left, the United Nations announced a few years ago.
Food justice the focus of Dayton food & farming conference
Food justice is the focus of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s 40th annual conference, Feb. 14–16 at the Dayton Convention Center.
Yellow Springers to participate—Area food and farming event focuses on justice
Farmer and educator Onika Abraham, a national leader of the food justice movement, believes that the current food system creates pockets where healthy food isn’t available. Just don’t call them food deserts.
New grants for Agraria — Kids get the dirt on soil education
The architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller often used a metaphor to illustrate how small targeted actions can move massive systems. Fuller noted that the “trim tab,” a tiny mechanism of a ship’s rudder, can change the ship’s course with a minute movement. At the Agraria Center for Regenerative Agriculture, soil is seen as that “trim tab.”
Tecumseh Land Trust to host resource fair
Land and water preservation and management, soil conservation and other environmental matters will be explored at the Landowner Resource Fair hosted by the Tecumseh Land Trust this weekend.
Environmental news — EPA responds to Vernay cleanup plan
It’s been 16 years since Vernay Laboratories began working under order of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop a plan to clean up contamination at and around the company’s former manufacturing facility at 875 Dayton St. But Vernay has more work to do before its final cleanup plan is approved.
Landowner resource fair slated
The public is invited to attend a landowner resource fair on Saturday, Nov. 3, 11 a.m.–5 p.m., at the John Bryan Center. A number of private and public organizations with conservation, land management, legal and financial skills and resources will be on hand in the gym, with speakers and resource specialists addressing ways to make land more productive and green throughout the day.
Soybean, corn farmers challenged by price drops
While they differ in their assessment of causes, several local farmers agree on their current situation: it’s a challenging time to be a farmer in Ohio.
Village Council — Vernay cleanup plan probed
A member of the Yellow Springs Environmental Commission urged Village Council at its Aug. 20 meeting to weigh in on a plan to clean up a highly contaminated industrial site in the village.
Antioch College recognized for sustainability practices
Antioch College has been recognized as a top performer in the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index, achieving a second-place rating in top performing institutions for grounds.
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