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Village Life Section :: Page 107

  • MLK Day events coming up

    The YS Martin Luther King Day Planning Committee has announced plans for its 2018 program honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • New book: ‘Home Is the Prime Meridian’

    Local almanac writer Bill Felker, pictured here with a bound version of his daybook, recently published a collection of essays, "Home Is the Prime Meridian." (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Local almanac writer Bill Felker recently published a new book, “Home in the Prime Meridian,” collecting 40 lyric essays from his newspaper and radio pieces.

  • 2017 #YSGivingTuesday donations on track to top last year

    #YSGivingTuesday committee members, from left, Kathryn Hitchcock, Jeannamarie Cox, Dawn Boyer and Ara Beal, are preparing for the village’s second year participating in the charitable giving campaign that falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. While the initiative is focused on online giving, the local effort also will accept in-person donations from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The numbers are still coming in, but with 19 of 24 participating local nonprofit groups reporting their 2017 #YSGivingTuesday results, the money raised during the 24-hour charitable event Nov. 28 is on track to top last year’s $75,000 mark.

  • 2017 Annual 5K Bulldog Jog

    2017 Bulldog Jog, organized by and benefiting Mills Lawn PTO. (Video contributed by Patti Dallas)

    Almost 200 children and adults participated in this year’s post-Thanksgiving Bulldog Jog.

  • BLOG—Poor Jerusalem

    Jerusalem was a backwater town controlled by a Semitic tribe called the Jebusites before King David cast his eyes upon it around 1000 BCE. He saw Jerusalem’s location and natural fortifications as being perfect for a great capital city that could transcended tribal identification and unite the people.

  • Greene County Public Library to loan telescopes

    The Orion reflector telescope acquired by the Greene County Library. (Illustration by Matt Minde)

    The Greene County Public Library is circulating more than movies, music and books — library patrons can now check out telescopes using their library cards.

  • Full house, full bellies at Community Thanksgiving

    Foodstuffs — and people — were plentiful at the 2017 Community Thanksgiving Dinner. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, organized by the Yellow Springs Interfaith Council, completed its 12th year in crowded splendor, hosting over 250 people.

  • More bucks, more books

    The Yellow Springs Library Association recently presented $3,500 to the Greene County Public Library Foundation to be used for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Pictured above are Connie Collett, head librarian, Yellow Springs Community Library; Karl Colón, director, Greene County Public Library; Roger Reynolds, treasurer, Yellow Springs Library Association and Bea Karthaus-Hunt, president, Yellow Springs Library Association. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Library Association recently presented $3,500 to the Greene County Public Library Foundation to be used for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.

  • 2017 Holiday in the Village

    Read the online edition of the Guide to Yellow Springs.

  • New director at YS Community Children’s Center

    Malissa Doster, the new Executive Director at the Children’s Center. (Submitted photo)

    Malissa Doster is the new executive director of the Yellow Springs Community Children Center.

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