Village Life Section :: Page 106
MLK Jr. Day events in YS — ‘The Courage to Take a Stand’
Villagers are invited to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with events over the long weekend under the theme “The Courage to Take a Stand.”
YS gets biking, walking funds
Yellow Springs was recently one of five municipalities in Ohio to be awarded funding to make the village more walker- and biker-friendly.
With PORCH YS, donate food — on your porch
A new grassroots program, PORCH Yellow Springs, will be implemented beginning Feb. 5.
2017 Year in review: Village Life
2017 Year in review: Village Life
Holiday traditions, silly and sweet
Each year at this time the News assembles a story based on readers’ submissions on a holiday theme. This year we asked readers to share stories of holiday traditions that are meaningful to them and their families.
Village Council— Blacks get more citations
African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.
BLOG—Rest in Hell, Bernard Law
Jesus defined the wicked as those who do not operate their lives based upon the principles of love, mercy, compassion, and equanimity. Sadly, Christians have long fallen short of these ideals.
He’s making light of the darkness
The CDC advises pedestrians increase their visibility at night by wearing reflective clothing and carrying a flashlight. This year, Yellow Springs resident Carlos Landaburu took it upon himself to promote pedestrian safety in the village by creating the Flashlight Project.
Sticky buns, revived
Lauren “Chuck” Shows shares a recipe for a traditional holiday breakfast treat.
Holiday events in the village
As winter holidays approach, the village is gearing up for celebrations.
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