
Village Life Section :: Page 75

  • Awe, wonder of monarch butterflies

    Monarchs — beloved locally and beyond — are dying off in enormous numbers.

  • Village rallies against local man’s ICE detention

    Yellow Springs residents and leaders are rallying in support of Yellow Springs business owner and father of three, Miguel Espinosa, who is being held under Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, detention following a traffic stop in Yellow Springs early last week.

  • Invasive of the month— Japanese stiltgrass moves in

    Japanese stiltgrass is on the move in Yellow Springs, creeping into yards and forested areas. Here’s how to identify, and root out, this non-native invasive grass.

  • Sketch comedy show to debut

    Eliot Cromer and Adam Zaremsky will present a sketch comedy show, “Wistful Meanderings of the Petty,” on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 23 and 24, beginning at 8 p.m. at the YS Arts Council.



  • Gaunt rising

    The grand opening of the Wheeling Gaunt Community Room at the Yellow Springs Arts Council was marked by the completion of a mural created by local muralist and Yellow Springs native Maiya Celeste. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    The grand opening of the Wheeling Gaunt Community Room at the Yellow Springs Arts Council was celebrated by a standing room-only crowd on Saturday, Aug. 17.

  • ‘Stigma kills’ — Efforts target ongoing opioid, drug use

    Those struggling with opioid addiction aren’t treated like other patients. Instead of being offered ongoing treatment from multiple medical professionals, patients with a substance use disorder were often left on their own.

  • Inside Collaborative Community — The power of positive stories

    The YS Community Foundation Encore Miller Fellows helped support the Courageous Conservations series, organized by The 365 Project and the Yellow Springs Havurah to address issues of race. Here, one local group met earlier this year. From left is David Seitz, Vivian Markley, Kirk Weigand, Megan Bachman, Mori Rothman, Karen McKee, Moya Shea, Marianne MacQueen, Lauren Heaton (obscured), and Locksley Orr. Also participating in the group was Rich Bullock and Encore Miller Fellow Jalyn Roe, who co-facilitated with MacQueen. A new round of Courageous Conversations is starting up in the fall. Those interested in participating should contact Encore Miller Fellow Len Kramer at, or 937-572-4840. (Submitted photo)

    In the fall of 2018, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation hired four individuals to help enhance connections and opportunities for interaction among our community students, seniors and nonprofits. I joined the others late in November, especially to help the group focus on stories and creative endeavors.

  • Scenes from the Greene County Fair — Rabbit costume contest

    Last Wednesday during the Greene County Fair was the 4-H-sponsored rabbit costume contest — in which youngsters and their pet rabbits dress in tandem, themed costumes.

  • Invasive of the month— climbing vines

    Two invasives: Wintercreeper/euonymus, left, and Asian bittersweet, right, are two non-native invasive climbing vines widespread in Yellow Springs. (Photos by Audrey Hackett)

    If you see something green in winter, it’s probably wintercreeper, a non-native invasive species of euonymus. Asian bittersweet is a little harder to identify. It’s most noticeable in the fall, when its leaves are off and bright red berries and yellow seed capsules make the plant attractive to some.

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