Village Life Section :: Page 90
McKee Group program to focus on local black history
The James A. McKee Association will host a community conversation on the history of African Americans in Yellow Springs this week.
‘Food for Fines’ this week at library
The Greene County Public Library system will offer forgiveness of fines through Feb. 16 in exchange for the donation of food items to be donated to local food pantries through its “Food for Fines” initiative.
Village schools closed Thursday, Jan. 31
Village schools, the Antioch School, the Community Children’s Center and Friends Preschool will all be closed on Thursday, Jan. 30, due to continuing extreme low temperatures.
Stay warm with cold weather tips
With the coming onslaught of brutally cold temperatures courtesy of the winter expansion of the polar vortex, as well as general cold snaps, village residents should prepare to keep themselves alert and safe when weather is frigid.
Food justice the focus of Dayton food & farming conference
Food justice is the focus of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s 40th annual conference, Feb. 14–16 at the Dayton Convention Center.
Winter hike through Little Miami River Gorge slated
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources will host its fourth annual winter hike through the Little Miami River Gorge, which runs through John Bryan State Park and Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve, on Saturday, Jan. 26.
Yellow Springers to participate—Area food and farming event focuses on justice
Farmer and educator Onika Abraham, a national leader of the food justice movement, believes that the current food system creates pockets where healthy food isn’t available. Just don’t call them food deserts.
“Stay Woke” — 2019 MLK Day events slated
The 2019 program for MLK Day in Yellow Springs features a march, program, lunch, teach-in and lecture across three days.
YS speech, debate team to host tournament
More than 300 middle and high school students from across southwest and central Ohio will be coming to Yellow Springs on Saturday, Jan. 26, for a speech and debate tournament hosted by the Yellow Springs team.
‘Mindful of Race’ discussion group to begin
The Dharma Center will hold a seven-week book discussion group focused on Ruth King’s book “Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out” on Thursdays beginning Jan. 17.
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