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Village Life Section :: Page 91

  • Aahar India burns

    Local Indian food venue Aahar India burned Saturday evening. No one was injured. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Aahar India, the local Indian food venue next to the Corner Cone, burned Saturday evening.

  • 2018 Year in Review: Village Life

    Local students joined the National Walkout School movement on March 14, with well over 100 students and some faculty and parents walking out of McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School to remember the lives of those killed in the Florida school shootings and to urge action on gun control and school safety. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    2018 Year in Review: Village Life

  • Help spread the word— Find food, utility assistance

    Alongside the signs of holiday prosperity in the village, Yellow Springs has its share of people in need. Fortunately, there are numerous programs in the area that are ready to help and are looking to assist as many people as possible.

  • Ellis among Women of Influence

    WYSO General Manager Neenah Ellis stood in front of more than 50 years of radio station archives, including more than 5,000 recordings on a variety of media. Last month WYSO released nearly 200 digital recordings online after a six-year project to convert and categorize them. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ellis is currently being recognized for her efforts to shine a light on local stories, along with her long and successful career in radio. Recently she was named one of six 2019 Dayton YWCA Women of Influence, and she will receive the award at the annual Women of Influence luncheon on March 21, 2019, at the Dayton Convention Center.

  • Merry and bright— Celebrate traditions of light

    As each year comes to a close, the village — and the world outside — celebrates a variety of holidays, traditions and rituals, creating a diversity of celebration throughout Yellow Springs during the darkest time of the year. Despite the darkness, through the celebration of Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas and Kwanzaa, villagers take time in December to remember and consider the light — each in their own ways.

  • New discussions to start — Finding ways to face race, together

    An adapted model calls for diverse groups of eight to 12 people and a facilitator, who meet in two-hour sessions over six weeks, with a different topic each week, from implicit bias to inequity. National and local statistics will be explored and take-home exercises offer more opportunities to learn. At the model’s heart, however, is sharing stories.

  • YS mother focuses family’s Christmas on helping asylum seekers

    The ongoing tense situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and the critical circumstances of as many as 15,000 Central American people seeking asylum in the U.S. at the Tijuana port of entry — part of the so-called “migrant caravan” — is sparking deep concern among Yellow Springs residents who are spearheading humanitarian aid responses and working to raise wider awareness about the crisis. 

  • See what’s happening this Holiday

    Shop, dine, give and enjoy local activities around the holidays in the village.

  • Home, Inc. senior apartments— A closer look at developer

    The grand opening of the Riverside Senior Lofts, a Dayton affordable senior housing project developed by St. Mary Development Corporation, took place Friday, Nov. 16. The project, shown above, includes 48 units, both apartments and cottages. St. Mary Development Corporation will also be the developer and property manager of the proposed affordable senior rental project in Yellow Springs, in collaboration with Home, Inc. That project would feature 54 units on 1.8 acres on Xenia Avenue, behind the new fire station and across from Friends Care Community. (Submitted photo)

    Created in 1989, St. Mary Development Corporation grew from a partnership between a Catholic nun and a Centerville parishioner. Within a few years, they had purchased their first site for affordable senior housing. For the pending Yellow Springs project, Home, Inc. will provide most of the service component.

  • Dementia caregiver support group offered

    As part of an effort to support the growing number of local families with a family member experiencing dementia, the Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs Project, in collaboration with the United Methodist Church, will host a caregiver support group meetings on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

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