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Village Life Section :: Page 100

  • Hope Taft to talk Ohio Scenic Rivers Act at TLT annual meeting

    The Little Miami River. (Photo by Lauren Shows)

    Tecumseh Land Trust invites the public to the 2018 annual gathering and meeting at the McCulloch Fen Run Farm on Sunday, June 3, at 2 p.m. This year’s guest speaker will be Hope Taft, former first lady of Ohio, who will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ohio’s Scenic Rivers Act.

  • Going deeply into the natural world

    Environmental educator Emily Foubert has started the Bird Language Club at Glen Helen’s Trailside Museum on the second Saturday of each month. The next meeting, open to all, is this Saturday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    This spring, Emily Foubert has begun sharing her passion for bird language with others. In February she began a monthly Bird Language Club at the Trailside Museum of Glen Helen, on the second Saturday of each month, from 9 a.m. to noon.

  • Mayor proclaims ‘Tracy H. Logan Jr. Walk and Bike to School Day’

    Bikes lined the sidewalks at Mills Lawn on May 9 for Bike to School Day, when Mayor Pam Conine made a proclamation in honor of the late Tracy Logan.

    Last Wednesday, May 9, Mills Lawn Elementary School held its annual Bike to School Day event, at which the late Tracy Logan was honored.

  • Campaign seeks end to mental illness stigma

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, is observing the month by participating in a new national campaign called “CureStigma.” 

  • Paranormal author to speak at Spirited Goat

    Paranormal author Michele Zirkle will share the story of a water haunting in her West Virginia home and other esoterica at a talk in town Saturday.

  • The audacity of dandelions

    The strikingly perfect color contrast of creeping phlox and a lone dandelion bloom invites contemplation. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Dandelions: probably the most-hated cheerful flower.

  • Teacher to return to YS Dharma Center

    Buddhist meditation guiding teacher Rebecca Bradshaw will return to the Yellow Springs Dharma Center on Thursday, May 3, to give a talk at 8 p.m. titled “Four Faces of Compassion.”

  • World House Choir celebrates its fifth birthday

    Issa Walker, of the Yellow Springs-based hip-hop group Village Fam, rehearses with the World House Choir, under the direction of Catherine Roma, on a song that will be performed as part of Friday night’s Pep Rally for Marriage Equality, hosted by the choir, at the Antioch Foundry Theater. The collaborative piece composed specially for the all-volunteer choir combines rap and four-part harmonies. Friday night’s multimedia event, scheduled to begin at 7:40 p.m., will include music, dance and a variety of visual elements. In addition to members of Village Fam, guest performers will include MUSE, Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir; and dancers Melissa Heston and Rodney Veal. Admission is free. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The World House Choir will celebrate its 5th birthday this Sunday, April 29 with community members, food, drinks, and performances with talented soloists including Hip Hop artist Issa Ali.

  • Vote to aid Gaunt Sculpture Project

    The local effort to erect an “over-life-size” bronze statue of Wheeling Gaunt made a splash at the Yellow Springs Fourth of July parade last summer. Project steering committee member Dave Neuhardt, president of the the Yellow Springs Historical Society, is behind the tractor wheel. Visible on board the float, which featured a papier-maché depiction of Gaunt’s head, are Malaya Booth and Bob Huston. (Archive photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springs has been nominated for America’s Main Street Contest, with the chance to win $25,000 to be pledged toward the Wheeling Gaunt Sculpture Project.

  • Coroner identifies deceased person

    Veterinarian Scott Hosket in 2005: at left, talking with Randy Rife about one of his sheep during visit to Rife’s Miami Township farm. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The deceased person found yesterday at the office of local veterinarian Dr. Charles (Scott) Hosket has been identified as Dr. Hosket, 65, according to a statement this morning from the Greene County Coroner.

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