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Village Life Section :: Page 99

  • Cutting Bee to kick off Strawberry Fest

    The annual Strawberry Festival will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, and will be kicked off with a Cutting Bee on Friday morning.

    The annual Strawberry Cutting Bee, in which community members help prepare for the annual Strawberry Festival, will be held Friday, June 8, beginning at 9 a.m.

  • Yellow Springs named Bicycle Friendly Community

    (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The League of American Bicyclists has named Yellow Springs a Bicycle Friendly Community.

  • Local officer saves injured baby deer

    Officer Mark Charles of the YSPD found an injured baby deer in the Glen on Tuesday night. He waited briefly to see if the animal’s mother would return before calling a local veterinarian to come and treat its injuries. The doe is expected to make a full recovery.

  • C’mon and dance!

    Celia Diamond beckoned onlookers to join in the fun at the annual Senior Center flash mob dance on Wednesday, May 30. (Photo by Lauren ‘Chuck’ Shows)

    The annual Senior Center flash mob dance on Wednesday, May 30 on Short St drew participants from both the Senior Center and the Children’s Center.

  • Mental health first aid training offered

    The Antioch College Office of Student Life, in association with the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Greene County, will host a local mental health first-aid training on Friday, June 1, 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

  • Free yoga offered this summer

    Free yoga classes will be offered this summer, both indoors and outdoors at the Wellness Center at Antioch College.

    The Wellness Center at Antioch College will host several opportunities to attend yoga classes at no charge throughout the summer.

  • A memorial to Civil War veterans — Local cannon restored, rededicated after 110 years

    Exactly 110 years after its first dedication on Memorial Day 1908, a Civil War-era cannon was restored and rededicated by the Yellow Springs Odd Fellow Lodge this weekend.

  • A hike through the Glen’s Sutton Farm

    Last week, Nick Boutis led a public hike through the a 76-acre farm that Glen Helen Association purchased last year, detailing the group’s restoration plans. See more photos after the jump.

  • Baptists celebrate 155 years

    The First Baptist Church of Yellow Springs is celebrating its 155th anniversary this Sunday, May 20, with a special service at 10:45 a.m. Shown above at the church are members and staff, clockwise from left, Isabel Newman, Lorri Harrison, Cedric Savery, Betty Hairston, Pastor Bill Randolph, Bernice Kirk and Anisha Savery. (Photo By Diane Chiddister)

    The First Baptist Church isn’t the largest church around. But its members believe their church is outsize in the ways that really matter.

  • Odd Fellows to host Memorial Day events

    Members of the YS Odd Fellows will lead community members in placing flags on the graves of veterans and hold a Memorial Day ceremony and history talk about the cemetery's Civil War cannon this weekend. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The YS Odd Fellows invite the community to help place flags on veterans’ gravestones and attend a ceremony and historical talk in honor of Memorial Day this weekend.

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